Thursday, December 6, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
12-12-12 Spanish Version
El miércoles 12 de diciembre (12 del 12 del 12) se abrirá un nuevo y último portal antes del final del ciclo evolutivo en el que estamos inmersos.
Todos los seres de luz que nos están ayudando en este proceso de cambio se convocarán ese día alrededor de la Tierra, para favorecer la entrada de la energía que va a llegarnos desde el sol central del Universo.
Se trata de una especie de ensayo general, una réplica en menor escala de lo que sucederá 9 días después, el 21 de diciembre, el día del Gran Cambio.
Ese gran cambio vendrá fomentado por la llegada de una gran oleada de Amor hacia la Tierra. Una dosis extraordinaria de elevación de conciencia, que nos ayudará a todos a volver la mirada hacia el corazón, para comenzar a vivir desde él, sin hacerle caso al miedo.
El miércoles 12 de diciembre, 9 días antes del Gran Cambio, recibiremos una gran cantidad de energía de elevadísima frecuencia desde el sol central, para que nos vayamos preparando, para que nuestros sistemas se acostumbren a la nueva vibración que reinará sobre la Tierra a partir del día 21.
¿Qué sucederá a partir del 21 de diciembre de este año? Realmente, nadie puede asegurarlo con certeza, pues son muchos los factores a tener en cuenta.
Debemos ser conscientes de que el destino de la Tierra no es algo que esté escrito de manera literal en ninguna parte. Lo creamos cada día los seres humanos que habitamos en ella. Somos nosotros los dueños del planeta, aunque durante mucho tiempo nos hayamos creído incapaces o pequeños. Somos nosotros los agentes activos del cambio. Cada uno de nuestros actos, palabras y pensamientos cuentan. Ésa es la magia creadora de nuestra intención.
Somos nosotros los que apoyamos o nos oponemos al cambio. Por lo tanto estamos determinando de manera extraordinaria el destino de la Tierra, nuestra amada Tierra, cada día. Todos los días.
Es nuestra responsabilidad el enfoque que le demos a nuestros actos, palabras y pensamientos. Con ellos creamos nuestro futuro. No sólo el individual, sino también el colectivo.
Afortunadamente somos muchos los que nos estamos uniendo para fomentar el cambio en armonía, responsabilizándonos de nuestras creaciones cotidianas, en nuestras vidas, con las personas con las que convivimos e incluso con aquéllos con los que más nos cuesta convivir.
Cuantas más personas seamos conscientes del poder creador de nuestras intenciones más armónico resultará el Gran Cambio.
Por ese motivo es muy importante que, durante todo el miércoles 12 de diciembre, nos enfoquemos en vivir desde el corazón, en proyectar amor y no miedo, ni odio, ni tristeza. En nuestras relaciones y hacia nosotros mismos.
El Maestro Kuthumi nos ofrece una serie de recomendaciones para ese día, 12 del 12 del 12:
1. Al amanecer saludaremos al sol y nos dispondremos a recibir conscientemente la energía que nos está enviando, como catalizador del Gran Sol Central. Sentir esa energía recorriendo todo el cuerpo. Imaginar que llega hasta el corazón y se expande desde él hacia el exterior. La luz del alma también se estará expandiendo con ella. Recibiremos así mucho mejor la influencia de la energía que entra.
2. Es un día para celebrar, compartir, agradecer, disfrutar y, sobre todo, para amar, en el más amplio sentido de la palabra. Cuanto más amor seamos capaces de entregar y recibir ese día, más fácilmente se instalará en nuestro interior la magia que entra. Con más armonía nos adaptaremos a ella.
3. Al concluir el día daremos las gracias y nos iremos a dormir con la certeza de que un nuevo cambio ya se está operando en nosotros.
Somos los habitantes de la Nueva Tierra. De nosotros depende cómo se produzca el Gran Cambio.
Nota: Este articulo fue tomado de emails que llegan a nosotros, no somos los autores y desconocemos el autor. Todos los derechos de autor pertenecen a quien originalmente lo escribio.
El miércoles 12 de diciembre (12 del 12 del 12) se abrirá un nuevo y último portal antes del final del ciclo evolutivo en el que estamos inmersos.
Todos los seres de luz que nos están ayudando en este proceso de cambio se convocarán ese día alrededor de la Tierra, para favorecer la entrada de la energía que va a llegarnos desde el sol central del Universo.
Se trata de una especie de ensayo general, una réplica en menor escala de lo que sucederá 9 días después, el 21 de diciembre, el día del Gran Cambio.
Ese gran cambio vendrá fomentado por la llegada de una gran oleada de Amor hacia la Tierra. Una dosis extraordinaria de elevación de conciencia, que nos ayudará a todos a volver la mirada hacia el corazón, para comenzar a vivir desde él, sin hacerle caso al miedo.
El miércoles 12 de diciembre, 9 días antes del Gran Cambio, recibiremos una gran cantidad de energía de elevadísima frecuencia desde el sol central, para que nos vayamos preparando, para que nuestros sistemas se acostumbren a la nueva vibración que reinará sobre la Tierra a partir del día 21.
¿Qué sucederá a partir del 21 de diciembre de este año? Realmente, nadie puede asegurarlo con certeza, pues son muchos los factores a tener en cuenta.
Debemos ser conscientes de que el destino de la Tierra no es algo que esté escrito de manera literal en ninguna parte. Lo creamos cada día los seres humanos que habitamos en ella. Somos nosotros los dueños del planeta, aunque durante mucho tiempo nos hayamos creído incapaces o pequeños. Somos nosotros los agentes activos del cambio. Cada uno de nuestros actos, palabras y pensamientos cuentan. Ésa es la magia creadora de nuestra intención.
Somos nosotros los que apoyamos o nos oponemos al cambio. Por lo tanto estamos determinando de manera extraordinaria el destino de la Tierra, nuestra amada Tierra, cada día. Todos los días.
Es nuestra responsabilidad el enfoque que le demos a nuestros actos, palabras y pensamientos. Con ellos creamos nuestro futuro. No sólo el individual, sino también el colectivo.
Afortunadamente somos muchos los que nos estamos uniendo para fomentar el cambio en armonía, responsabilizándonos de nuestras creaciones cotidianas, en nuestras vidas, con las personas con las que convivimos e incluso con aquéllos con los que más nos cuesta convivir.
Cuantas más personas seamos conscientes del poder creador de nuestras intenciones más armónico resultará el Gran Cambio.
Por ese motivo es muy importante que, durante todo el miércoles 12 de diciembre, nos enfoquemos en vivir desde el corazón, en proyectar amor y no miedo, ni odio, ni tristeza. En nuestras relaciones y hacia nosotros mismos.
El Maestro Kuthumi nos ofrece una serie de recomendaciones para ese día, 12 del 12 del 12:
1. Al amanecer saludaremos al sol y nos dispondremos a recibir conscientemente la energía que nos está enviando, como catalizador del Gran Sol Central. Sentir esa energía recorriendo todo el cuerpo. Imaginar que llega hasta el corazón y se expande desde él hacia el exterior. La luz del alma también se estará expandiendo con ella. Recibiremos así mucho mejor la influencia de la energía que entra.
2. Es un día para celebrar, compartir, agradecer, disfrutar y, sobre todo, para amar, en el más amplio sentido de la palabra. Cuanto más amor seamos capaces de entregar y recibir ese día, más fácilmente se instalará en nuestro interior la magia que entra. Con más armonía nos adaptaremos a ella.
3. Al concluir el día daremos las gracias y nos iremos a dormir con la certeza de que un nuevo cambio ya se está operando en nosotros.
Somos los habitantes de la Nueva Tierra. De nosotros depende cómo se produzca el Gran Cambio.
Nota: Este articulo fue tomado de emails que llegan a nosotros, no somos los autores y desconocemos el autor. Todos los derechos de autor pertenecen a quien originalmente lo escribio.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Total Eclipse of the Sun of day 13 and November Eclipses Portal: towards the 12-12 - 12, Golden Light Christic on Earth
Each of you know in your heart what information is true or not. Today more than before we need to pay attention and discernment.
Next Tuesday 13th coinciding with the new moon of November at 23: 09 h GMT, occurs the first eclipse (total eclipse of sun) important portal of eclipses that will take place in November 2012 lunation (13th new moon and full moon day 28) and that we will connect directly with the great portal 12-12-12.
Eclipses are always rips that break somehow woven spacetime (the mind) and allow the entry of new energies to Earth. And this very important portal of eclipses of November is the cosmic preparation for the great portal of Golden christic irradiation which will be the 12-12 - 12 (December 12, 2012). In the 12-12 - 12 Earth is impregnated by a large irradiation from christic energy of the central Sun of the Galaxy. Earth is no longer isolated and that energy of the spirit, God-Father-Mother, in perfect balance with the masculine feminine, supporting the energy of unconditional love, unit, floods Earth, definitely breaking the veil of separation that has kept it for millennia as a planet of exile and obscurity.
The 12-12-12 brings an immense elevation of the frequency of the planet, increase of frequency necessary to enter the great Solstice of December 21, symbol of the end of the cycle of darkness, pain and isolation of the Earth.
Nobody knows for sure what is going to happen after December 21, and really "nothing is going to happen", apparently... The world will follow, we are all going to get up in the morning, go to work or any activity of each one, eat, or not eat... we will continue seeing neighbors, streets, trees, mountains... Everything as always. But in appearance. We will really be in another world, another dimension of reality, where each of us will be gradually experience differently according to their State of consciousness, according to their capacity to vibrate in the new frequency of the Earth. For some it will be heaven on Earth, a magical world with some completely different rules to the rigid rules of the space-time of the 3rd dimension to have fastened so far what we call "reality". For others it will be hell. The hell of disease, hell of bewilderment, insecurity and fear hell, hell of chaos... in a world that is not well understood and for which there is mental tools that can deal with this. For those who continue to live in the consciousness of separateness, the consciousness of the self ("I-my-me - mine") the world will be a more insecure and more disconcerting place. For those who vibrate in the energy of the delivery of the unit with what surrounds them, the energy of love... the new frequency on Earth bring them a magical world of action and creative power. It is the christic energy that is available to all those who vibrate on service and the faith in the spirit on us.
Definitely the world will not be destroyed. There is no "Apocalypse" of the end of the world. But what if there is a new world to everyone without exception, regardless of beliefs, level of understanding and consciousness, we will notice. Let's take look back, towards a few a few years ago, we can see a completely different world and that now moves in a high speed spiral of change and renewal.
we can talk that earth will be entering the 4th dimension and the consciousness the 5th dimension, although the words and concepts don have any importance.What importance would have when they are simply symbols to communicate from the limited human mind of this dimension. But it is true that it is another dimension. It is another dimension of reality, another dimension of matter and mind.
All is one in the universe, and this portal of eclipses that opens on Tuesday, November 13 brings the necessary openness in the astral field and energy of the Earth; in this way, the high energy of the masters of light and the high energy of Christ may radiate on the planet and the collective mind.
Welcome this christic energy, that Christ's second coming to Earth, this time not as an individual person who comes to speak and teach others, but as a collective power of awakening in the chakra of the heart of every human being. The second coming of Christ is the spirit of Christ that will be in every human; It is really a process of "christification" in each of us. And this process is the great gift of the universe, God, father and mother. Great gift supported by the entire universe and all the ascended masters that now communicate and are so present in many of us.
We wish you enjoy these impressive times that we are living right now and we hope that you can expand your peace and joy to all those around us, so that in this way, peace and Bliss may increase in the universe.
Traslated from the Spanish website
The 12-12 - 12 brings an immense elevation of the frequency of the planet, increase of frequency necessary to enter the great Solstice of December 21, symbol of the end of the cycle of darkness, pain and isolation of the Earth.
The 12-12 - 12 brings an immense elevation of the frequency of the planet, increase of frequency necessary to enter the great Solstice of December 21, symbol of the end of the cycle of darkness, pain and isolation of the Earth.
The 12-12 - 12 brings an immense elevation of the frequency of the planet, increase of frequency necessary to enter the great Solstice of December 21, symbol of the end of the cycle of darkness, pain and isolation of the Earth.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Mercury Retrograde
November 7-27, 2012
Maybe the majority of us have hear about mercury retrograde, but none of us know what is this about. Well, here I will give you a simple explanation about what is this.
Mercury is the closet planet to the sun, and is related with communication and rationality; when we hear that we are in a Mercury Retrograde time is because the planet is going backwards in its orbital path, it's mean this energy is affecting all us creating communication calamity and confusion.
Generally, we need to watch what we say during Mercury Retrogade, take care of not start any project, do not buy any electronic at this time and reapeat and double check any appointment or information that we are giving or receiving because with this energy all things can be misunderstood.
What do you think about this? have you had any "bad" experience during this time? feel free to post your comments.
What do you think about this? have you had any "bad" experience during this time? feel free to post your comments.
Love & Light,
Journey Angels
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Now Available "Magic is Everywhere"
OUR NEW BOOK IS HERE! Now you can order your book "Magic is Everywhere" in Amazon, our facebook page or here in our blog under the tab "Shop". We are very EXCITED! thank you for all your support. You can buy English or Spanish version. Love & Light, Journey Angels.
English Version:
Spanish Version:
English Version:
Spanish Version:
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Pre-order Your Book

Xmas is around the corner and we all need to be prepared with food, invitations, shopping, family time, etc. We are happy to announce that soon we will be launching our first book of a complete series for kids that we will be publishing one by one. This is an inspirational and magical book that will help our kids to understand how MAGIC IS EVERYWHERE! and why not to adults is just a memory of that we already forgot or simply ignore.
You can pre-order book's first edition following this link:
Journey Angels
Monday, October 22, 2012
God like a Father!
Having our third baby this week we could connect in a different way with our source... It was an amazing experience that we want to share with all of you:
God is one with us, we are part of him (let's talk about God like a male energy, but He's actually energy) and He is our FATHER! When we, humans, have the AMAZING experience of being parents, we can feel the TRUE LOVE, we can understand what the word LOVE means... Well, the same is God to us, if He is our father, how we can even think that He doesn't hear us? or how we can say that He sends us pain or hard experiences? NO! He is pure love, He is waiting for us to return to his presence and ask BELIEVING IN HIMSELF for help. He is the owner of everything in the world, so we just need to ask and He will understand like we do with our children.
Sometimes we said, why if He is my creator He doesn't hear me? Of course, this is not true. He is always waiting for our presence but, like we all know, we have our free will and He waits for us, He is not in the middle of our path, He respect us and let us choose our journey, our life... After we have many lessons usually we return to him and he is waiting with all his love for us.
We are part of him, NEVER FORGET THAT! We are one with Him and all what we need to do is to return home, understand his love and ask for his help letting him work.
If one of your sons or daughters comes to you asking for help what you will do? You will rush and help him/her; but if they ask for help and continue doing some efforts by themselves, what you will do? You will sit and wait until he/she really needs you. The same is what God does: He waits for us until we recognize that He can do it, that He can help us.
With all our love,
Journey Angels
God is one with us, we are part of him (let's talk about God like a male energy, but He's actually energy) and He is our FATHER! When we, humans, have the AMAZING experience of being parents, we can feel the TRUE LOVE, we can understand what the word LOVE means... Well, the same is God to us, if He is our father, how we can even think that He doesn't hear us? or how we can say that He sends us pain or hard experiences? NO! He is pure love, He is waiting for us to return to his presence and ask BELIEVING IN HIMSELF for help. He is the owner of everything in the world, so we just need to ask and He will understand like we do with our children.
Sometimes we said, why if He is my creator He doesn't hear me? Of course, this is not true. He is always waiting for our presence but, like we all know, we have our free will and He waits for us, He is not in the middle of our path, He respect us and let us choose our journey, our life... After we have many lessons usually we return to him and he is waiting with all his love for us.
We are part of him, NEVER FORGET THAT! We are one with Him and all what we need to do is to return home, understand his love and ask for his help letting him work.
If one of your sons or daughters comes to you asking for help what you will do? You will rush and help him/her; but if they ask for help and continue doing some efforts by themselves, what you will do? You will sit and wait until he/she really needs you. The same is what God does: He waits for us until we recognize that He can do it, that He can help us.
With all our love,
Journey Angels
Sunday, September 2, 2012
About Manifestation
Sometimes things are not smooth for humans, they are always
asking WHY if I am doing everything right? We can hear you dear, we know and
understand you’re suffering and almost all the time we suffer with you... We
try to send you messages; sometimes you are blocking your path, HOW? With your
insecurity, you are vibrating in different frequencies at the same time and we
can't act in that moment, we need to see and feel that you are completely SURE
about what you want before we give you something... That's why time in earth
exists, we can operate immediately when you call us and in some cases we do it,
for example when you are in a dangerous situation and you call us, we act immediately,
but when you need a manifestation of your wishes, we wait until we notice that
you are 100% sure... Imagine if we give you everything at the same time when
you create it in your mind, you will get crazy... So for now, BELIEVE IN US and
do not change your mind every moment, do not hesitate, be SURE about what you
want for your life and we will do the rest... The best way to create this is
being clear and specific about what your wishes are, even if you think that is
something "impossible" for you; for us NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE and we
can give you EVERYTHING if you have faith in God! With love, YOUR ANGELS.
LOVE & LIGHT,Journey Angels
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Today was one of those days you need direct answers from heaven and you wish to have a magic ball just showing everything you need to know. Being at home, I was guided to open a book somebody gave me as a gift some time ago that contains inspiring messages, most of them Christian oriented and inspired in passages taken from the Bible; although we don't follow any particular religion, I found today in that book the perfect answer to these questions I was asking really loudly to God and the Angels:
"WHY, if I am doing my things right, if I am working for you (God and Angels) in all the projects you have told me to do, until 1 or 2 a.m seven days a week, being now more than 7 months pregnant (when I am supposed to be relaxed and sleep well) and without a decent income, WHY I continue having lot of difficulties in my life??? WHY my life is not smoother at this time??? WHY do I need to continue struggling to solve problems every day and you send me more and more challenges??? WHY if I am a positive person, have faith, do everything you have guided me to do??? WHY? WHY? What else do you want from me??? What am I doing wrong?
Opening that book I was called to open I found the answer to all those questions, the PERFECT answer I want to share with you today, hoping it can bring you something helpful to your own personal experience.
Love & Light,
Journey Angels
"EXPECT TO ENCOUNTER ADVERSITY in your life, remembering that you live in a deeply fallen world. Stop trying to find a way that circumvents difficulties. The main problem with an easy life is that it masks your need for me. When you became a Christian, I infused My very life into you, empowering you to live on a supernatural plane by depending on Me.
Anticipate coming face to face with impossibilities: situations totally beyond your ability to handle. This awareness of your inadequacy is not something you should try to evade. It is precisely where I want you - The best place to encounter Me in My Glory and Power. When you see armies of problems marching toward you, CRY OUT TO ME! Allow Me to fight for you. Watch Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of My Almighty Presence".
Extracted from the book "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. Pg 241
NOTE: I want to make clear "Journey Angels" is not a religious group; we are a community where we all have the same goals: Find our truly selves, find peace and grow spiritually.
We, Journey Angels, believe that each human being is a soul having human experiences, but at the end we are all connected. We do not follow any particular religion, we accept and respect each one and we understand each religion has the same purpose at the end: to find a path, find peace and have some specific beliefs.
"WHY, if I am doing my things right, if I am working for you (God and Angels) in all the projects you have told me to do, until 1 or 2 a.m seven days a week, being now more than 7 months pregnant (when I am supposed to be relaxed and sleep well) and without a decent income, WHY I continue having lot of difficulties in my life??? WHY my life is not smoother at this time??? WHY do I need to continue struggling to solve problems every day and you send me more and more challenges??? WHY if I am a positive person, have faith, do everything you have guided me to do??? WHY? WHY? What else do you want from me??? What am I doing wrong?
Opening that book I was called to open I found the answer to all those questions, the PERFECT answer I want to share with you today, hoping it can bring you something helpful to your own personal experience.
Love & Light,
Journey Angels
"EXPECT TO ENCOUNTER ADVERSITY in your life, remembering that you live in a deeply fallen world. Stop trying to find a way that circumvents difficulties. The main problem with an easy life is that it masks your need for me. When you became a Christian, I infused My very life into you, empowering you to live on a supernatural plane by depending on Me.
Anticipate coming face to face with impossibilities: situations totally beyond your ability to handle. This awareness of your inadequacy is not something you should try to evade. It is precisely where I want you - The best place to encounter Me in My Glory and Power. When you see armies of problems marching toward you, CRY OUT TO ME! Allow Me to fight for you. Watch Me working on your behalf, as you rest in the shadow of My Almighty Presence".
Extracted from the book "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. Pg 241
NOTE: I want to make clear "Journey Angels" is not a religious group; we are a community where we all have the same goals: Find our truly selves, find peace and grow spiritually.
We, Journey Angels, believe that each human being is a soul having human experiences, but at the end we are all connected. We do not follow any particular religion, we accept and respect each one and we understand each religion has the same purpose at the end: to find a path, find peace and have some specific beliefs.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
“Do What you Love and the Money Will Follow.” by Doreen Virtue
If you dream of a meaningful career that makes your heart sing with joy, trust the truism: “Do what you love and the money will follow.” Let’s take a look at this phrase, because each component gives specific and important guidance.
DO: This means to take action. Doing - not just wishing. Doing, instead of worrying. Doing, without procrastinating. Those who have meaningful careers work many hours...
DO: This means to take action. Doing - not just wishing. Doing, instead of worrying. Doing, without procrastinating. Those who have meaningful careers work many hours...
every day. Every single day, do one or more action steps related to your dream. It doesn’t even matter WHAT you do, as long as you Do Daily. The universe responds in kind by giving you opportunities and additional guidance, in response to the energy of your actions.
WHAT YOU LOVE: When you devote yourself to your passions, you’ll have the energy to take daily action. You’ll naturally be motivated to work daily. You’ll put your whole heart and soul into your work, and the joy that you exude will attract clients and opportunities who love to be around happiness.
AND THE MONEY: Abundance comes in many forms. As you devote hours to your passion and exude the magical attractiveness of joy, your finances will naturally improve as a side benefit. You’ll also attract an abundance of new friends, feelings of fulfillment, and a sense of having more time and energy.
WILL FOLLOW: Important! Don’t wait to have the money first before following your dreams. That’s backwards. FIRST you devote multiple hours a day to taking action related to your dream. And THEN you receive the rewards for doing so.
I envision a world where each of us is happily working upon our heart’s desires. This is a heart-centered world of happy and abundantly fulfilled people. No one needs to compete to get their share, because there’s plenty to go around for everyone. And because everyone is taking responsibility for their own happiness, health and relationships improve. Peacefulness reigns naturally.
Thank you for doing what you love!
Doreen Virtue
WHAT YOU LOVE: When you devote yourself to your passions, you’ll have the energy to take daily action. You’ll naturally be motivated to work daily. You’ll put your whole heart and soul into your work, and the joy that you exude will attract clients and opportunities who love to be around happiness.
AND THE MONEY: Abundance comes in many forms. As you devote hours to your passion and exude the magical attractiveness of joy, your finances will naturally improve as a side benefit. You’ll also attract an abundance of new friends, feelings of fulfillment, and a sense of having more time and energy.
WILL FOLLOW: Important! Don’t wait to have the money first before following your dreams. That’s backwards. FIRST you devote multiple hours a day to taking action related to your dream. And THEN you receive the rewards for doing so.
I envision a world where each of us is happily working upon our heart’s desires. This is a heart-centered world of happy and abundantly fulfilled people. No one needs to compete to get their share, because there’s plenty to go around for everyone. And because everyone is taking responsibility for their own happiness, health and relationships improve. Peacefulness reigns naturally.
Thank you for doing what you love!
Doreen Virtue
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Remembering my own life experience, I was thinking today about how different everything could have been if I hadn't refused to do my mission since the beginning, or if I had accepted the signals they used to send me just when I was supposed to start doing what I had to do.
I was remembering when I started to experience really hard situations; thanks God I've always had the inconditional love of my husband and kids but, on the other side, family relationships, money issues and internal peace were a cathastrophe... Well, was just when Angels sent me some messages through different people that started suddenly appearing in my life that I started to learn how to meditate and to make contact with them, and immediately I started to feel really happy despite my religious background (I come from a very catholic and conservative family). Definitely I started feeling really happy with the things I was discovering BUT at the same time I was not sure if everything I was seeing were 100% real; my EGO knew that and, of course, took advantage or the situation... One day, while meditating I heard that I was going to workfor Angels, I was going to write books, I was going to use technology to spread their voice, etc, etc... My husband immeditalely believed in everything but NOT ME! I was always thinking: "How a person like me could be asking people to BELIEVE IN ANGELS if neither my husband's family or my own family had a good relationship with me? or if I was financially broken and had lost my home, my business and everything??? Well, They sent me a second signal after another person appeared in my life: a lady that I NEVER met in person (only by the internet) gave me all her attention, pushed me to start my mission, and always supported me... But at the end she got tired of my incredulity and then I was giving a second chance to my EGO to be the winner; of course, I continued calling GOD and Angels for help and they always helped me... I lived the same way for 8 years more and just when I decided to feel and have a real faith and put all of my efforts on doing my mission my life started to change for good. I have met a lot of people, some of them definitely sent by Angels and some others who just cheat people under Angels' name... Something I learned after all these years and I wanted to share with you is: PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR FAITH IN ANY PERSON, even if you think they are some kind of Angels on Earth; ALWAYS BE GRATEFUL TO GOD AND ANGELS... They use people here on Earth to teach and help us, but do not follow anyone who just wants to tell you that he/she is the one that has all the solutions to your problems...
With all this story I just wanted to share with you a simple message that Angels want to give you: "To speak with us you do not need to follow any ritual, to be in any speacial place or wear some special clothes; you do not need to follow anyone... JUST LET US KNOW YOU NEED US! and we will be ready to help you, THIS IS FOR SURE!... We are here to help you and once you give us your permission we will be working just for you!"
I can say YES, BELIEVE IN THEM; Since my husband and I started doing our mission I can say OUR LIFE COMPLETELY CHANGED!
Love & Light,
Journey Angels
I was remembering when I started to experience really hard situations; thanks God I've always had the inconditional love of my husband and kids but, on the other side, family relationships, money issues and internal peace were a cathastrophe... Well, was just when Angels sent me some messages through different people that started suddenly appearing in my life that I started to learn how to meditate and to make contact with them, and immediately I started to feel really happy despite my religious background (I come from a very catholic and conservative family). Definitely I started feeling really happy with the things I was discovering BUT at the same time I was not sure if everything I was seeing were 100% real; my EGO knew that and, of course, took advantage or the situation... One day, while meditating I heard that I was going to workfor Angels, I was going to write books, I was going to use technology to spread their voice, etc, etc... My husband immeditalely believed in everything but NOT ME! I was always thinking: "How a person like me could be asking people to BELIEVE IN ANGELS if neither my husband's family or my own family had a good relationship with me? or if I was financially broken and had lost my home, my business and everything??? Well, They sent me a second signal after another person appeared in my life: a lady that I NEVER met in person (only by the internet) gave me all her attention, pushed me to start my mission, and always supported me... But at the end she got tired of my incredulity and then I was giving a second chance to my EGO to be the winner; of course, I continued calling GOD and Angels for help and they always helped me... I lived the same way for 8 years more and just when I decided to feel and have a real faith and put all of my efforts on doing my mission my life started to change for good. I have met a lot of people, some of them definitely sent by Angels and some others who just cheat people under Angels' name... Something I learned after all these years and I wanted to share with you is: PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR FAITH IN ANY PERSON, even if you think they are some kind of Angels on Earth; ALWAYS BE GRATEFUL TO GOD AND ANGELS... They use people here on Earth to teach and help us, but do not follow anyone who just wants to tell you that he/she is the one that has all the solutions to your problems...
With all this story I just wanted to share with you a simple message that Angels want to give you: "To speak with us you do not need to follow any ritual, to be in any speacial place or wear some special clothes; you do not need to follow anyone... JUST LET US KNOW YOU NEED US! and we will be ready to help you, THIS IS FOR SURE!... We are here to help you and once you give us your permission we will be working just for you!"
I can say YES, BELIEVE IN THEM; Since my husband and I started doing our mission I can say OUR LIFE COMPLETELY CHANGED!
Love & Light,
Journey Angels
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
A Way of Life
We are HAPPY! to announce to all our followers (or better to say Angels Followers) that now we are working on a new project: OPENING "A WAY OF LIFE" STORE! If you read the article "Where we are and Where we will Be" you can see that we are dictated to develop many different products in order to transmit what our Angels want to communicate; well, one of those projects is a store that will be offering books, videos, MP3's, clothes, accessories, message cards, etc... Everything inspired by them; very soon, we will be opening our store in Journey Angels Facebook Page; If you take a look, we now have the icon "Shop Now" and we are working on it. All our clothes and accessories will have a symbol with a meaning, we will be writing the explanation of this symbol in our store and how this would influence or activate your life when you use it!
Expect big news from us every day, since the world is changing and God and Angels want to communicate each day more and more with human beings to let us know that they are real, that we have the same power they have since we were created as an image of God, we are part of them and we can change our world!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Can you imagine a world where humans can just be respectful? Well, RESPECT is a word that all of us have heard since we were kids, but how many of us have really made it part of our lives? Not all. Respect means that you need to remain quiet and be polite when other people have a different point of view than yours, when their beliefs are completely different from yours, when your religion is different from the one your brother or sister follows. If you like green and your brother likes blue it's OK! Who has the last word? No one.
The point here is: Just follow the laws of the universe, understand that everyone is a completely independent world with an independent mission to accomplish. How the world could change if politicians, religious leaders, teachers, and common people understood this!
If just each other could start making a real change and RESPECT other's beliefs, we really would be able to do a big change in the world. Do not wait for others to be the change, YOU can plant the first seed.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Just a Message!
Sometimes you can feel like you are trying to go up in a deep pool of "problems" and you can't understand why you try and try to leave them back but nothing happen. You start looking for many methods that maybe could help you, some people can give you a little bit help but nothing else, some guidance, some advice, etc... But time goes and you are in the same situation.
Well, let me tell you that you are not the only one, lots and lots are the cases that we can hear daily and the situation is the same, what is the reason? politicians? governement laws? unemployment? your family? your friends? your parthner? well let me tell you NO! nothing outside you can cause you ANYTHING! the only reason here are YOU! well it could be strong, but this is not the main idea, we need to find the WHY of our situation.
At this point, when we loose our hope, ALWAYS a light is brilliant in some place, and the best point that I can tell you to look at is INSIDE YOU!...Maybe you are doing things that is not accordingly with your God agreement before you came here to this pretty planeth earth and this can cause the situation that you are living now. When they (Angels, Guides, God) needs you to start your project here in earth, they force you to be on track, they guide you in many ways, but we with our free will makes the road more and more bumpy. What you can do is just close your eyes and try to be relax, be HONEST with you, leave the ego outside and before of course ask for help and guidance, then you will notice deep in you what is your plan here, what is the purpose of your life when you decided to encarnate. Maybe you will not accept it at the beginning, but you will notice what is the right path to follow, believe me, no one can help you, ONLY YOU! have the correct answer. Once you decide to accept and stop to refuse what you need to do, your life will be change FOR SURE!
Journey Angels
Well, let me tell you that you are not the only one, lots and lots are the cases that we can hear daily and the situation is the same, what is the reason? politicians? governement laws? unemployment? your family? your friends? your parthner? well let me tell you NO! nothing outside you can cause you ANYTHING! the only reason here are YOU! well it could be strong, but this is not the main idea, we need to find the WHY of our situation.
At this point, when we loose our hope, ALWAYS a light is brilliant in some place, and the best point that I can tell you to look at is INSIDE YOU!...Maybe you are doing things that is not accordingly with your God agreement before you came here to this pretty planeth earth and this can cause the situation that you are living now. When they (Angels, Guides, God) needs you to start your project here in earth, they force you to be on track, they guide you in many ways, but we with our free will makes the road more and more bumpy. What you can do is just close your eyes and try to be relax, be HONEST with you, leave the ego outside and before of course ask for help and guidance, then you will notice deep in you what is your plan here, what is the purpose of your life when you decided to encarnate. Maybe you will not accept it at the beginning, but you will notice what is the right path to follow, believe me, no one can help you, ONLY YOU! have the correct answer. Once you decide to accept and stop to refuse what you need to do, your life will be change FOR SURE!
Journey Angels
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Violet Flame
Like we all know, we have the power to use 7 different flames, one per day, each one is holded by an Archangel. In this case we are going to focus in the Violet Flame which Archangel is Zadkiel and the day is Saturday (this doesn't mean that you can't use it other day, this is just the day that represents this flame, but you can use it at any moment).
The violet flame it's the one that corresponds to the current era we are living, and is the only one who has the power to transmute the Karma, This flame is called "The flame of Transmutation and Forgiveness".
The use of the Violet Flame involking the law of forgiveness, is the most effective way of prevent any creation that you could be though or any "bad" act in our world. When enough people be aware of this power, we all can create the world that we are waiting for.
This is a great gift. Never before human beens were awared to receive this powerful tool and now we can transmute anything just using the flame in this simple way:
You can close your eyes and imagine the violet flame surronding you and all the persons you love or you just want to forgive; once you are involved completely from head to toe, you can call the presence of Archangel Zadkiel and pray for any unwanted creation that you made in the past, it could be relationships, unhealthy, lack of money, etc, etc... Anything that you can image could be transmute with faith and the constant use of the powerful Violet Flame!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Sometimes we feel lost and confuse about what is the best path to take in our life. Like humans this is something difficult to understand with our limited mind, but God and Angels always have the perfect way for us. We all have the ability to choose wherever we want tith our free will and we can be lost more than we were before; that's why God send us our guardian Angels, Archangels and more to guide us and give us some messages in different ways to clear our mind and path, BUT remember, they can't work without our permission, we always need to call upon them, they can't act because we have our free will and they need to respect that. So, if you feel like you need some guidance, some help at any moment, PLEASE call your Angels, they are always waiting for us, they can give us the answer that we need, but first we need to let them entrance in our life.
Journey Angels
Journey Angels
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Fresh Air
Not only ancient philosopy like Feng Shui know the importance about CHI Energy. Today many of us who can feel the presence of Angels in our daily life and can hear their messages understand how worry they are with human people because our daily basics are always involving our mind and body and do not leave us time to spend outside. Their message is simple and clear: Dear Love ones, we want to help you grow and release all your anger, stress, anxiety, unhealth, etc in a very simple way... All what we ask is to have time for you and go outside for a while, even if you don't live in an ocean view city or a nice field you can go out and sit in front of any tree, walk or just sit at the park and take a look around you; breath and watch any flower or kids running. Close your eyes and meditate in us, we are hear to healing you. ASK for our help, we can't work without your permission and we are exciting to hear from you.
Your Guardian Angels
Your Guardian Angels
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Thrieve: What On Earth Will It Take?
We just saw this movie, THRIVE, and was inspired to share it!
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
Visit for more information on THRIVE. THRIVE uses the Yekra player technology. See for more information.
Even if you don't believe in Angels, they are with you! how can you prove that? simple... Ask them to do something especifically for you, you can do this twice or three times in simple things that you will notice the presence of them... Wait for the results and you will start noticing that ANGELS ARE ALWAYS WITH YOU! THEY ARE REAL, THEY EXIST!
Inclusive si usted no cree en los Angeles, ellos estan siempre contigo! como puedes probarlo? simple...Pregunta a ellos por algo en lo que necesites alguna ayuda especifica, repite esta accion dos o tres veces en pequenas situaciones de tu vida donde necesites aguna ayuda extra o la presencia de un ser superior... Espera por los resultados y tu notaras como la presencia de los Angeles esta SIEMPRE CONTIGO! ELLOS SON REALES, ELLOS EXISTEN!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Learn to be Greatful
Sometimes we waste too much time worrying about a lot of insignificant things and we feel bad because of any problem we have, and we don't spend so much time appreciating how beautiful and good we are. We must dedicate every day much much more time to be grateful for all the good things we have.
We invite you to watch these video:
We invite you to watch these video:
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