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This amazing meditation is now available to be downloaded. It was a channel guided meditation by Angels. This is part of our book called "Meditations from Heaven" by Journey Angels that will be published soon. You can buy this item just using the "ADD TO CART" button below and pay securely and easily using Paypal. Angels are happy because their messages are starting going out from us and so do we. With Love, Journey Angels!
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Magic is Everywhere! is a short story with a big meaning that will help kids and adults to understand that magic exists and is all around them.
This book is the first one of a complete series that will be launched one by one. It's all inspired and guided by Angels, and based in real life episodes. ENJOY IT! Activity pages inside.
ESTE MUNDO MAGICO es una linda historia inspiracional que trae consigo un gran mensaje y basicamente busca ayudar a recordar a ninos y adultos como la magia existe a nuestro alrededor.
Naomi, la autora, explica todo esto utilizando un lenguaje muy sencillo de entender y con ilustraciones realmente hermosas e inspiracionales y coloridas.
Este libro capturara la atencion tanto de padres como hijos y abuelos. Al final, se han anexado paginas de actividades donde los ninos pueden aplicar lo que han aprendido una vez han terminado de leer el libro.

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