Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Esther and Jerry Hicks Daily Quote

I want to share with you the daily message of Esther and Jerry Hicks, author of The Law of Attraccion, that I received today:

If you are willing to let your improved emotional state be the evidence of your progress, then the progress will continue; you will continue to feel even better, and the tipping point will come where physical evidence can be seen. But if you look too soon for the evidence, and you do not yet find it, you will lose Vibrational ground.
The need to see the immediate evidence of progress is the most significant hindrance to most people. When you attempt to take score of your progress too soon, you move further from the results you seek.
There is no desire that you hold that is for any other reason than you believe you would feel better in the having of it. Whether it is a material object, a pile of money, a relationship, a physical state of being—every desire is wanted because you want to feel better.
When you discover the power of feeling better first, by the deliberate focusing of your mind away from problems, struggles, irritants, and any other manner of unwanted things—and focus your mind upon the simplicity of your own breathing—you will have found the key to the power of allowing.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the
This is 26 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s newGetting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Doreen Virtue Newsletter for March 2011

Today I received in my email the monthly newsletter from Angel Therapy (Doreen Virtue's site) and I felt completely touched with her writting. I want to share with all of you what she send:

The Angels are Watching Over Us All by Doreen Virtue

“If the world is ending, should I just go ahead and change my life and do everything that my heart desires to do right now?” The female caller on my show was sincere as she asked me whether she should focus upon her dreams, if the world was about to end.

With the Japanese earthquake, the Mayan calendar ending next year, and earth changes in the news, it’s normal to think about our mortality – individually and collectively. In fact, to do so is VERY healthy!

When I was an undergraduate, I took a college psychology course called “On Death and Dying,” which was the study of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s stages of grief. We learned how to help ourselves and others cope with loss. And as field trips, our class visited funeral parlors, crematoriums, and cemeteries.

This pushed me to examine my own fears and anxieties about death. These fears, called “existential anxiety,” are based upon worries whether life holds meaning and purpose, and whether there is an afterlife, reincarnation, or just “nothing” afer death.

I realized that I was procrastinating pursuing my dreams, such as writing a book, because I believed it would passively happen some day in the future when I had more time. Upon closer examination, I realized that I believed I would write my book when I retired from working as a senior citizen. I also intuited that I was both afraid of success and of failure. To avoid all of these feelings, I’d avoided working on my book and other dreams.

Once I made these ah-hah! realizations, my fears lessened.  Fears always lessen when you confront them. That’s why the ego compels us to keep stuffing fears down with addictive behaviors.

Within two years, I’d written my first book and was published. After graduation, when I began working as an eating disorder therapist, I focused upon helping my clients to confront their hidden fears, too.  The question I’d often ask my clients is one that I’d like to ask you, too:

“If you knew that you only had a short amount of time to live, what changes would you make in your life?”

My clients would answer with wonderful goals and desires, such as learning how to fly an airplane; traveling more; doing volunteer charitable work; playing a musical instrument; starting their own business; and having more fun and leisure.
We would then examine their answers and ask another question: “What are you waiting for?” Once they began working on their dreams, their anxieties and depression symptoms lessened or disappeared.
Yes, the Mayan calendar ended in 2012. Yes, the tragedies in Japan and other places experiencing changes are intense right now. But this doesn’t mean the world is going to end.  The angels have been showing me visions of the earth’s future since I was a little girl. . . and the future is beautiful.  They show me an Eden-like world with peaceful people cooperating with one another.

We are going through major changes in the world, which will culminate in blessings for us all collectively.  And even if the world were going to end, how would you want to spend your last days? In worry, anxiety, and fear? Or in great joy and bliss?

You were created by God, and everything that God creates is immortal and eternal. Your soul is ancient and has had many experiences . . .and will continue to do so. Even if the physical world ended, YOU would continue to live on and on . . .as would your loved ones.

So, let’s use any anxieties about the world in beneficial ways:

DO put your priorities front-and-center on your daily schedule

DO give yourself permission to pursue your goals and live your dreams now!

DO talk with God a lot, and give God your worries for healing and uplifting

DO focus upon taking excellent care of the environment

DO use positive and loving words

DO surround yourself with gentle, positive people

DO open your heart to as much love as possible. At the end of your life, what will matter most is your answer to this question: “How much did I love?”

DON’T procrastinate living your dreams

DON’T wait until you have more money, time, or ideas to begin working on your priorities
DON’T listen to negativity from yourself or others

Here’s a prayer to support you:

“Dear God, Thank you for holding me strongly in your loving arms, giving me the strength and the courage to change my life in healthy ways. Please clearly guide me and show me signs to help me know my next best step to take. Thank you for sending your angels to my side to protect and guide me and my family.”

Blessings and peace to you and your family,


Sunday, March 13, 2011

From the Secret Daily Teachings

From The Secret Daily Teachings

When a big change occurs in your life it forces you to change direction. Sometimes the new path may not be easy, but you can be absolutely certain that there is magnificence for you on the new path. You can be absolutely certain that the new path contains things that you could not have experienced otherwise.

When we look back at a negative event that occurred in the past, we often see how in fact it transformed our life. We see how that event directed us toward a life that we would not change for anything.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Positive Thinking!

It’s not how high you build your dreams that makes a difference, but how high your faith can climb.