

Working with Angels and Archangels, Naomi Hale was guided to work with color flames. Each Archangel has a light that helps humans to heal any particular area of their life; even material things can be healed with these pure and brilliant lights.

During this session you will feel the presence of Angels and Archangels in your life. You will notice how they work and things start changing.
Naomi is not the person who heal you, she is just a channel, all the gratitude manifestations need to go directly to God, Archangels, and Angels.

When you buy this session, you are not only paying for the therapy; this is a process you will be perceiving and noticing in your daily life. Naomi will not work against time; once she starts the session, she will be guided by Angels on how long it needs to be and which area the patient needs to heal; also she will be guided about what flame she needs to send to the patient. The session will be guided from DISTANCE; she will not need the presence of the patient because energy works from any place; all you need is the intention to be healed and having FAITH is the most important part.

After you pay for the session, please click the button CONTACT and send us a message with the name of the person who will receive the therapy, the city where he/she lives and the topic to be addressed (it could be anything: Love, financial issues, health, proffesion, forgiveness, family, etc)

The session will take place in your night time, because during sleep the body is relaxed and more receptive. After that we will contact you and send all the info that was perceived during the session.

NOTE: When you buy this, you will pay for a session, but if you feel that you are in need of some help and you can't afford it right now, please contact us and we would send you a link where you can make a "donation" according to your budget.

****Disclaimer: Naomi do not diagnose, treat, or claim to be able to diagnose or treat any physical of psychological disorder. Also, Naomi is not the healer, GOD & ANGELS are the ones who work here; also, your FAITH plays a really important role; if you BELIEVE you will see the results. Naomi is a lightworker and a channel who helps Angels and God to lift the energy in people's life.



If you are a lightworker and want to spread your words to the world, we can offer you Professional Video Editing. We are a team who work only with inspirational and positive videos. Contact us and we can offer you the best price and the best results. Everything inspired by Angels and made with Love!
If you want to promote your job or a new book that is going to be released, or just create an inspirational video, contact us!

Ask for detailed pricing packages if interested; we can offer good options to choose from depending on your needs!

The video will be sent to you by email like a file ready to be uploaded in Youtube, your own website or any other channel.


Reiki is a Japanese technique that promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

H'oponopono is a simple process of releasing negative energies, allowing a new space for the healing power of your true Divinity in thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

Having the experience of connecting and chaneling with Angels & Archangels, Naomi Hale wants to promote what they show her about how to help people, planet Earth and things to be healed. Reiki can be done to any person, animal or thing and H'oponopono can help to clean any past action or memory that is not allowing the person to move forward.

When you buy this session, you are not only paying for the therapy; this is a process you will be perceiving and noticing in your daily life. Naomi will not work against time; once she starts the session, she will be guided by Angels on how long it needs to be and which area the patient needs to heal. The session will be from distance; this is a good thing that we can do with Reiki & H'oponopono; Angels and God help to send all the energy that you will need to receive.
After you pay for the session, please click the button CONTACT and send us a message with the name of the person who will receive the therapy, the city where he/she lives and the topic to be addressed (it could be a general topic, you do not need to provide details, just a simple word because during the session we will feel what you need to be healed in deep).

The session will take place in your night time, because during sleep the body is relaxed and more receptive. After that we will contact you and send all the info that was perceived during the session.

Reiki is good for any issue in your life! It will help to heal your body, mind or spirit. You can be helped to improve aspects of your life like money, stress, relationships, health, etc.

NOTE: When you buy this, you will pay for a session, but if you feel that you are in need of some help and you can't afford it right now, please contact us and we would send you a link where you can make a "donation" according to your budget.

****Disclaimer: Naomi do not diagnose, treat, or claim to be able to diagnose or treat any disorders. Also, Naomi is not the healer, GOD & ANGELS are the ones who work here, also your FAITH is almost everything here, if you BELIEVE you will see the results. Naomi is a lightworker and a channel who helps Angels and God to lift the energy in people's life.


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