Friday, May 17, 2013

How To Clean Your Crystals!

When you buy a quartz or any kind of crystal for you, the first thing that you need to do is clean it from all the energies that were before you within the stone. This is something really easy to do.

All you need to have is water and salt.
First, you need to put the crystal under running water; after that, put some water in a bowl and add some salt (if you are near the ocean and can have sea water it would be good instead) and put the stone in the salted water. Leave it outside your home under the moon light and the next day take it and wash it again with water; then go outside and leave the stone under direct sun light for a while in order to energyze it.

After these simple steps your crystal is clear and will have your own energy; very important: do not allow anyone to touch it. You can clean your stones once in a while, when you feel it's necessary or if anyone accidentally touch it.

When you feel that your crystal is not vibrating with you, it's because the mission of that energy working by your side has just finished, so what you can do is bury the crystal.

Love & Light.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

How to Open Your Third Eye and Being a Clairvoyant

Yes, you can be your own psychic just developing your own natural power to be a clairovoyant. What clairovoyance means? It means "clear seeing"; in other words, it means that you can see the present, past and future for your own or others.

We all have the same power inside, no one was born different than others; all you need to do is to learn how to increase your clairvoyant power and then you will see how this becomes a reliable tool for your daily life.

For you to learn how to open your third eye and to be a clairovoyant, you need to practice every day following some simple steps, the same way you do when learning any other topic in your life. Here, you will find some easy to follow steps that will help you to enhance your ability to see your future; all you need to do is to follow them, doing it consistently, every day in order to enhnace this ability in you:


The first step you need to do is to allow yourself to open your third eye! Some of us maybe have experienced some psychic visions, but our minds and our fears block what we saw or do not accept this could be real. In order to give yourself a permission to be a clairovoyant, you need to release those feelings and this could be done just sitting in a relaxing place, focusing your attention in your breathing and then repeating any affirmation like for example: "I allow myself to open my third eye, I release any fear that is blocking me RIGHT NOW!


After releasing your fears, breath deeply three times focusing in your third eye chakra (located between your eyes). Try to see a horizontal oval shape (do not force it, just try to see it, it's ok if the first time you do not see it; continue practicing and soon you will get it) located between your eyes; Notice if your third eye has its eyelid closed, partially open or open. If you notice that is closed or partially open, ASK it to open. Reaffirm that you are ready to release the fear of seeing psychically. Once your eye is open, you will feel lots of love; you will re-encounter with one part of yourself that was blocked and lost.


As soon as your third eye opens, you will start watching some pictures or images that come to you in different ways like black & white pictures, some with movement, others just as still images, or you can notice full color scenaries or just cartoons. It could be inside your mind or just like if you were watching a TV show or a picture album.


Once images appear, they will come in small sizes or fuzzy and vague. To get a better look, ask the image to enhace and appear bigger and brigther. To do that, you can say something like: "I ask you to be clear and big NOW!" Do this with all your power, with all your intention and the images will start increasing their size.
If you are not able to do that, you can repeat again your affirmation: "I allow myself to open my third eye, I release any fear blocking me RIGHT NOW!"


When you are able to see the images, you need to understand what they mean in order to interpretate and use that information. At this point, if you can't easily understand what those images are trying to tell you, you can invoque your Angels and spiritual guides and ask "What do these pictures are trying to tell me?". You will either feel the answer or receive any thought. The spiritual guides and Angels want you to increase this psychic ability, so they will send you the answer in different ways until you clearly understand it. (if you can't understand, you can continue asking until you get it).


This is the most crucial step: BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU SEE AND HEAR! If you just think this is your imagination and do not trust, you will loose a lot of opportunities.


Keep a journal where you can write down about the images and pics you are watching and their meanings; this is very important, especially if you are just re-opening your third eye and getting confidence in your psychic abilities; after reading your journal later you'll discover how reliable and real your clairvoyance is.

If you know what exactly you want to see, you need to be very clear before asking; sometimes the universe don't understand our questions, so you need to be very precise about what you want to see. If it's something about your past, ask exactly if you want to see what is going to happen with your career, for example. Always ask precisely what you want to know, not about general things.


Journey Angels

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What a shocking surprise!

Lightworkers, what is our call? This last weekend we have had the opportunity to be in Hollywood, CA... Well, to be more exact, in the Walk of Fame in Hollywood Boulevard... It was our first time there since we recently moved from Florida to California... We were there in family with our three babies after some time waiting to see one of the most "famous" places in the world; and what a surprise, OMG! We can't describe what we found there and what we saw... it was about 4:30 p.m and a lot of people were having drugs and drinking alcohol on the streets and the place was actually not the most friendly or nice site to visit.
Right now we are living in a peaceful, pretty, lovely, quite and nice small town near L.A., and when we got into the Walk of Fame my husband and I were in shock; it's really sad to see how a lot of people are wasting their lives in the darkness, and it's really sad to see how Hollywood is carrying all this energy. We saw very young people really lost, some of them wearing really nice and pretty costumes of Batman, Captain America, Spiderman or Pirates of the Caribean. They work for a tip if you to want to have a pic with them, and everything seems to be nice to the eyes of a tourist, but we had the opportunity to see some of them taking out their masks or just taking off their make-ups and sitting then on the streets to drink alcohol; some of them seemed homeless people because of their physical appearance. How sad we felt after seeing all those people and realizing that maybe lots of those souls are screaming for help! They look really lost. Can you imagine what we felt when we saw a store with a big signal in the entrance that said: "Welcome to Hell"? And besides that, one of the most famous and glamorous theaters, the "Nokia Theater", is in the middle of this! What an incredible constrast!
It's sad to see how those streets, that are supposed to pay tribute to the most remarkable and talented people in the entertainment industry, are now witnessing the self-destruction of lots of human beings! 
Who is going to bring some light to these people's lives? Maybe we all can start praying for all that people and write positive and empowering messages to be spreaded around the world to help people becoming better human beings. WE ALL CAN DO IT! Lots of people need to learn that they can live different and all of us can help!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Angelical Donation

Expressing gratitude is one of the way how universe bring us back the same that we give away; help us support a cause! Angels are supporting us and you can do it too just doing a donation. You can make it following this security link and doing it through Paypal.  Paypal is a security website to send money and make payments (you don't need to have or create an account) Love & Light, Journey Angels

Friday, April 5, 2013

Archangel Nathaniel

16th Archangel - Patron Angel of Light Workers*

Archangel Nathaniel means “Gift of God”. Archangel Nathaniel nudges us, whispers in our ear, and pushes us to follow the path of what makes our heart sing. Passion, joy, happiness, love, and light is the vocabulary he uses to bring us nearer to our life purpose. He encourages us to participate also in a collective purpose. In other words, he is stating for us to help, heal, and protect the earth planet and everyone who lives on it.

Archangel Nathaniel helps us stay grounded with mother earth in these modern times while we light workers are having a connection with the angelic realm and higher energies. If asked, he will help you adjust to the levels of awareness and the shifts that are changing at a rapid pace on earth. The frequencies are moving so quickly that one can feel unbalanced, so just invoke Archangel Nathaniel to step in.

He is associated with fire. His fiery energy immerses us with a fiery flame to awaken your passions and desires. He encourages us to release them, seek them and achieve them. His energy is forceful, passionate, protective, cleansing and purifying. Archangel Nathaniel manifests your intentions and motivates you. You can call upon him to remove physical pain. His healing modalities are sun and star energy. He will be by your side during a crystal healing.

Archangel Nathaniel is about big change and a big desire to have it happen now. When you call on Archangel Nathaniel, change right away will take place.

Be very, very clear on what you do want to manifest for your future.
Look at the core of your soul. You definitely need to know you; what it is you want in your future, what you want in your life, and believe and have faith that it can happen. Manifest your thoughts by thinking them over thoroughly and carefully, as well as know your true heart felt feelings. You have free will and Archangel Nathaniel is not a mind reader, he does not want to be toyed with if you are indecisive. If you are unclear about what you want to manifest, this is not the time to invoke Archangel Nathaniel. Remember he represents fire energy.

He is here to open and expand your heart chakra. Ask to invite him into every aspect and action of your life purpose and have no fear, doubt or hesitation that he will be there at your side. After working with Archangel Nathaniel give him gratitude and thanksgiving for his help. Remember that Archangel Nathaniel is the vehicle, the platform for balance, harmony and trust, so the Angels can help you fill in the blanks when you are in the middle of a life change. It can be about relationships, career, finances, or your health that you need guidance on.

Archangel Nathaniel’s message to all light workers is to stop procrastination. You have taken enough classes, workshops, and studying. You are prepared. The ego may try to stop you and control you. You are strong enough now, and it is time. It is time to step forward to show Mother Earth your gifts, talents and abilities. You have been given power, love, light, and know whom you are and why you have chosen this incarnation. You have nothing to be afraid of. Archangel Nathaniel acknowledges us and reminds us to speed up and go forward.

How to have a relationship with Archangel Nathaniel? Just ask. He is here to help you regarding how to live your life purpose.

*Written by Desiree Szabo (Taken from the web, all the credits are for the author, not Journey Angels)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Give God and Angels Permision!

In my own experience, when I allow God and Angels to work in what I want, only at that moment I started receiving.
For many years I wanted some things, I visualized them, I wanted with all my heart, but my mind couldn't figure out the "how" I will received it; my human mind was close.

One day, when I was meditating Angels send me a clear message that I need to ask them to help me align my mind with my heart; they wanted to help me, they saw how I was suffering, but they can't do anything if I will not give permission to them... I needed to be aligned because my heart desire something, but my mind couldn't notice how I will received it, so my fears was my highest vibration.

I give them permission to work on me, then I accept my Angels to be my friends in heaven and I understood how them will support me, support my job, my mission, my life, my family, etc...

The next step was just relax and wait... I started feeling gratitud for everything in my life and then, when I realesed, when I believe, only then I started watching miracles in my life...

What I learned is that the how is not my problem, the how is their job... They have a big picture of the world that my mind can imagine, so it's not my problem..

I allow you God, I allow you Angels to open the path for me... This affirmation change my life, and now I am here doing my mission in a happy way, JOURNEY ANGELS BORN!

When you allow God to work for you, HE WILL WORK, I can sure you!

Naomi Hale

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

You Are Exactly Where You’re Supposed To Be

The fact of the matter is that each and every moment presents us with an opportunity to choose to see the perfection in our current circumstances. We might not be exactly where we WANT to be, b...ut we are precisely where we’re SUPPOSED to be.

It’s been almost three years since I quit my corporate job to start my own wellness business. Sometimes I look back over this period of my life and wish that I was further along. I mean, really, shouldn’t I have been on Oprah by now? ;-)Sometimes I get envious of my colleagues and peers who appear to be “making it” in the self-help world faster than I am. I gaze longingly at the success of Hay House authors and kick myself for not having 30,000 fans on Facebook.

Sometimes these feelings last for a day, other times they hang over me for weeks like a dark cloud of criticism. I’m usually able to bring myself out of this illusory haze by reminding myself of two things:
1. How far I’ve come
2. The perfection of my current circumstances (even when the present moment feels difficult)

With regard to point #1, I somehow managed to be an entrepreneur for almost three years. One way or another, I paid my bills, avoided homelessness, and maintained a social life while also helping people around the world create a life they love. Every day, I give thanks for the fact that I get to set my own schedule and work from home when I feel like it. What an amazing gift.

At the same time, the life of an entrepreneur isn’t always easy. My husband also started his own business around two years ago, and there have been times when money has been extremely tight. I’ve sometimes questioned what the hell I’m doing with my life. I’ve cried, I’ve felt discouraged, and I’ve contemplated giving up.

In these moments, however, I can often catch a glimpse of the fact that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. It’s all part of the journey. We need to cry; we need to get upset; we need to feel. When we push our emotions down and try to fake it, we appear inauthentic, and we actually stifle our progress. There are such immense lessons to be learned during our most difficult times. As an example, if I hadn’t taken antidepressants for six years, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing today. Those six years were dark and difficult, but they led me to where I am now.

In the end, the things that I’ve accomplished as an entrepreneur aren’t half as important as the way that this work makes me feel. This is key. We spend so much time focusing on “getting stuff” to make us feel better. But as Gabrielle Bernstein says:

“Many people approach manifestation from a place of ‘How can I get something to feel better?’ Instead, the focus should be: ‘How can I feel better and, therefore, be an energetic match for attracting more greatness into my life?’”

Stop focusing so much on what you want to get or what you want to do. Instead, start focusing on how you want to feel. Ask yourself: What can I start doing right now to bring more of this feeling into my life? Don’t worry about how much money or status these activities will bring your way or what other people will think of you. Because I promise that when you’re inspired, the money comes. When you feel how you want to feel, people bite their tongues and become inspired by you.

With this in mind, I’d like to leave you with a few questions:
• What lessons are you learning in your life right now?
• How are your current circumstances contributing to your highest good?
• What are you grateful for today?

As Tama Kieva says: “Nothing in my life is lacking, except my appreciation.”


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Que es el Aura?

En términos básicos, el aura es una energía luminosa o campo electromagnético que rodea en forma de óvalo a todos los seres vivos y que es imperceptible a plena vista. Es la combinación del cuerpo etéreo, emocional y físico, al igual que de la información de nuestras almas. El aura está ligada a los chakras.
Todos nuestros pensamientos, sentimientos, y experiencias están reflejadas en el aura, al igual que energía que atraemos de nuestro entorno. En este sentido, el alma refleja nuestra energía y atrae energía de otros cuerpos y ambientes.
Al igual que todo lo demás en el universo, el aura es vibración y como tal, responde a otras vibraciones. De esta manera, vibraciones en forma de pensamiento, sentimiento o interacción con otras energías (en el espacio o de otras personas), afectan y moldean la vibración del aura.
Los objetos inanimados tienen también una energía que las rodea. Típicamente, estas auras son la combinación del entorno y de las energías de las personas que han estado en contacto con dicho objeto.
El aura no es estático. Cambia con el tiempo, con nuestra evolución personal y espiritual, y con el entorno. También podemos cambiarle con nuestra intención y con ejercicios de visualización y rituales de purificación.
Parte de lo que refleja nuestra aura es el reflejo de nuestro cuerpo físico que emite energía también. Por eso, algunos expertos en auras dicen que pueden decir si la persona sufre de alguna dolencia física al ver su aura.
El color o colores del aura de una persona dicen mucho de ella. Hablan de sus intenciones y su esencia. Cada color refleja una cualidad y los tonos del ese color hablan de la cantidad o deficiencia de dicha cualidad en la persona en cuestión.
Muchas veces la primera reacción que tenemos hacia alguien o que alguien tiene hacia nosotros, tiene que ver con nuestras auras. De alguna manera, el aura es como un magneto que atrae ciertas energías hacia sí mismo, y repele otras igualmente. Dependiendo de qué tan “sana” y fuerte esté nuestra aura, vamos a atraer esto o aquello del entorno y de otras personas. Energías más puras atraerán similares y rechazarán las oscuras o más densas – y viceversa.
En teoría todos podemos ver el aura si practicamos. También existen las máquinas Kirlian, que retratan el aura de personas y objetos y se usan frecuentemente para “diagnosticar” a la persona, de acuerdo a los colores que salen en su foto. Algunos creen que los niños pequeños pueden ver auras naturalmente pero con la edad todos vamos perdiendo la habilidad.
El aura usualmente se extiende entre uno y tres pies de distancia del cuerpo físico en todas las direcciones, rodeando a la persona como un “huevo de luz” de múltiples capas.
Se dice que el aura consiste en 7 capas o cuerpos sutiles (algunos dicen que son 12 o muchos más) que se interconectan y afectan mutualmente constantemente.
El cuerpo etéreo es el más cercano al cuerpo físico y usualmente refleja nuestra salud física y nuestros instintos más básicos. Se manifiesta usualmente con un color azul o plateado suave pero si existe una enfermedad, se torna en colores oscuros, sobre todo alrededor del área afectada.
El cuerpo emocional, como su nombre lo indica, refleja el estado anímico de la persona, al igual que las reacciones emocionales frente a otros individuos y a situaciones. Por esta razón, es la capa del aura más instable, y cambia continuamente de acuerdo con el estado de ánimo de la persona. Sin embargo, los residuos de las emociones más fuertes como la rabia y miedo, permanecen almacenados en esta capa por algún tiempo y pueden con el tiempo afectar la salud emocional y física de la persona. Cada emoción genera colores diferentes en la capa emocional del aura y por lo tanto ésta puede manifestarse en cualquier tono o combinación de colores. Los colores más brillantes y puros usualmente indican emociones elevadas y paz. Los colores turbios son más característicos de emociones violentas o instintos bajos.
La capa o cuerpo mental se relaciona con lo que llamamos consciencia. Los pensamientos e intenciones conscientes del individuo se reflejan en esta capa. El amarillo y naranja son los tonos característicos del cuerpo mental. Se dice que las personas altamente intelectuales tienen un cuerpo mental de color amarillo brillante.
El cuerpo astral está atado al cuerpo físico por un cordón plateado, y refleja nuestros deseos superiores y nuestro avance espiritual en términos de amor incondicional. Es de alguna manera un portal con otras dimensiones, y se dice que puede desprenderse del cuerpo físico y transportarse libremente en las llamadas proyecciones astrales. También está ligado en parte a nuestra fuerza de voluntad. Puede manifestarse en varios colores que van desde el rosado puro hasta una mezcla de todos los colores del arco iris.
El cuerpo espiritual tiene que ver realmente con conexión y comunicación – con otros, con nosotros mismos y con nuestro propósito superior.
El cuerpo mayor o celestial es la conexión entre nuestra consciencia humana y el plano espiritual en donde frecuentemente se encuentran sueños y memorias de otras vidas o de experiencias extracorporales.
El cuerpo divino o espiritual es la conexión con el plano superior y la sabiduría divina, y se puede manifestar en un rayo y luz dorada brillante. Entre más separado esté el individuo de su propósito supremo y su camino espiritual, más oscura o bloqueada estará esta capa del aura.

* Tomado de la web y escrito por Sandra Silva; todos los creditos van a dicha autora.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


A very interesting article about MANIFESTING written by Dyan Garris, author and clairovoyant. All the credits are for her!

Creating Your Life From Who You Are
By Dyan Garris
Often we are told, “Follow your passion and the rest will follow.” But this is not necessarily true. There are plenty of “starving artists” out there who can relate to this. And there are plenty of people who follow their passion right into bankruptcy. In the transitional time we find ourselves living in now, we are being challenged not only to follow our passion, but to connect it with something. We are being challenged to come into alignment. Passion cannot exist long by itself. It needs a partner. You cannot create a child only with the power of your mind, your creativity, and your positive thinking. We need to learn to co-create.
What Do You Mean Co-Create?
The term “co-create” has been bandied about for the last few years, but it is a term that is widely misunderstood. To co-create you must be willing to come into alignment and combine your own unique ingredients with (1) your life’s purpose; (2) your higher self or higher wisdom and; (3) Universal will.
Connect the Dots
To have your life come together into your own bigger picture, you must connect the dots. Every child looking at a “connect the dot”picture knows this. If you don’t draw the actual lines between 1 and 2 and 3 and so forth, you’re just staring at a bunch of dots on a page. They appear to be random dots on a page that have no real form. It’s when you start connecting them together that you end up with and discover the real picture, the real form. That is the both the challenge and the joy. While you are residing in this physical form, the keys to connecting those “dots” are in your chakras. You are being challenged to connect those energies, let go of anything that blocks the pathway of that connection, and then multi-dimensionally integrate your mind, body, and spirit. It’s not hard. It’s a process. The other choice is to keep staring at dots on a page wondering where the flesh of your life is.
Creating From Your Root
On this planet we cannot yet visualize a flowering plant in our minds and have it poof out into existence. You must begin with dot #1. You must start at the root. If you don’t do that – start at the beginning– you can end up with a scribbled, chaotic mess. Energy here is designed to begin its journey as a seed, an embryo. Then it gets planted – or “implanted” – and gets fed and nourished from the root system. The energy flows up the formed stem of a plant, leaves eventually sprout, then buds, and THEN at the right time the flower develops, and from that ultimately the fruit. To accomplish this and partake of the juicy harvest, you must begin creating from the root, the core, the base of who you are.
What’s Wrong With the Law of Attraction?
Nothing is wrong with the LOA. We need it. But it’s for attracting, not for manifesting or co-creating. It was taught to millions incorrectly as a way to “get what you want.” The truth is that it’s but one dot in your bigger picture. You can put all the mental energy you want on how your picture should look. However, eventually you’re going to have to do what is necessary to sketch it out and then color it in. The Law of Attraction is a universal law that was recently re-introduced (it’s not new) into collective consciousness. But the interesting paradox, if you choose to see it that way, is that it was brought forth backward and distorted, therefore leaving much disillusionment in its wake. We can’t move forward at the same time we are going backward. So we must “unlearn”the way it was recently taught and learn how to implement it. We manifest and co-create from I AM – which is the present moment, the NOW – not from the place of I WANT. To try to manifest from I WANT is to intrinsically create a space of lack and limitation.
What Is In The Way of Creating Your Life From Who You Are?
You are. If you’re not creating your life from who you are, then you and fear are co-creating partners. So examine how well that relationship is going for you. In fact, examine all of your relationships, particularly your relationship with money, because that is a relationship just like any other. And because the energy of money lives in your root chakra, your relationship with money is a primary relationship.
If you’re doing something that you don’t want to be doing, look at where and why you are afraid of being who you really are. Examine where you say things, for example, like: “I’m only working at this job because I need the money, I need the stability, and I need to pay the bills. Someday I will do what I really enjoy doing.” What you’re telling the universe in that scenario is that you do not believe in your ability to create and co-create from who you are. You are telling the universe that you don’t believe in yourself and you don’t believe in it. And the universe will reflect back to you exactly what you send out to it. That is the beauty of the Law of Attraction.
Here Are Three Things You Can Do Now to Start Coming Into Alignment:
1. Eliminate fear. We cannot create anything from fear except more fear.
2. Get out of your linear mind and examine instead who you are at the root.
3. Ask “What is the next single thing for me to do?” This keeps you in the “right now,”which is the space from which all creation begins.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Conversacion Entre Amigas!

Estando hoy con mi amiga tuvimos una grandiosa conversacion donde pude sentir mientras almorzabamos la presencia de muchos de nuestros Angeles y de Dios mismo dandonos repuestas a tantas preguntas que siempre nos hacemos los humanos, y en especial nosotras mismas entre ires y venires encontramos la paz a aquellas dudas que en algunas ocasiones nos aquejan...

Una de ellas y que no quiero dejar de compartir es la de el porque se demora tanto para ser entregado nuestros pedidos que hacemos en nuestras peticiones en algunas ocaciones?
Bien, es muy simple y sencillo... Es algo como el ejemplo de un chiquillo que esta asistiendo a la escuela y aprueba todas las materias a excepcion de una, bien por esta sola tiene que volver a repetir todo el ano... En nuestra vida funciona de la misma manera y se aplicaria en algo tan sencillo como O APRENDES LA LECCION O LA REPITES NUEVAMENTE, asi que cuando nos veamos que vamos repitiendo ciclos en nuestras vidas, enfoquemonos a pedir claridad al universo para entender en que estamos fallando que no aprobamos la leccion!

Otra de las grandes respuestas que llegaron entre ires y venires, entre un cafe y otro fue el porque toca vivir pruebas economicas (en este caso era la pregunta exacta al cielo), y nuevamente una fuerte y clara respuesta llego: CUANDO DEJES DE PREOCUPARTE POR PEQUENESES Y VALORES LO QUE VERDADEREMENTE TIENES Y QUE VALE LA PENA EN TU VIDA, CUANDO SEAS FELIZ COMPLETAMENTE, SOLO ALLI TE SERA ENTREGADO LO QUE VERDADERAMENTE MERECES! DEJA TUS MIEDOS Y APRENDE A SER FELIZ!!!
Y porque? nos preguntamos el porque; bien, muy sencillo, porque estas lamentandote por lo que aun te falta y esa es la vibracion que estas emitiendo, porque ello opaca la verdadera felicidad en tu vida y enfocas tu atencion en lo que "aparentemente no" tienes... Bien, para Dios y el universo todo pensamiento es positivo, bien sea negativo o positivo mismo, el acepta tu libre albedrio y lo respeta y te entrega lo que tu mente este emitiendo, sea "bien" o "mal" como tu decidas verlo o sentirlo.

Y la ultima y clara respuesta, EXCEPCIONAL tambien, fue hablando de la situacion presente de mi amiga y su "futuro"... Ella esta viviendo un presente hace 3 anos que cualquier ser humano desearia tanto amorosamente, finacieramente y saludablemente hablando... Pues bien, ella saco sus lagrimas pensando en que le llegaria su vejez (para lo cual falta muchisimo ya que apenas si esta entrando en sus 40) e imaginandose su soledad por ser vieja... Pues que creen que nos llego? algo inmensamente lindo y para compartir... Si estas viviendo el presente que tu misma anhelaste y sonaste, para que estas creando desde ya tu futuro en una vejez solitaria y triste??? Impresionante, no lo creen? VIVE TU PRESENTE Y CREA EL FUTURO QUE TU REALMENTE DESEAS, NO EL QUE TEMES!!!

Todo esto surgio de una simple conversacion de amigas, nada de estar meditando o canalizando, Los Angeles y Dios nos hablan atraves de personas y de senales, en esta ocasion fue algo simple pero digno de ser compartido y analizado.

Amor & Luz,
Journey Angels.