Sunday, February 24, 2013


A very interesting article about MANIFESTING written by Dyan Garris, author and clairovoyant. All the credits are for her!

Creating Your Life From Who You Are
By Dyan Garris
Often we are told, “Follow your passion and the rest will follow.” But this is not necessarily true. There are plenty of “starving artists” out there who can relate to this. And there are plenty of people who follow their passion right into bankruptcy. In the transitional time we find ourselves living in now, we are being challenged not only to follow our passion, but to connect it with something. We are being challenged to come into alignment. Passion cannot exist long by itself. It needs a partner. You cannot create a child only with the power of your mind, your creativity, and your positive thinking. We need to learn to co-create.
What Do You Mean Co-Create?
The term “co-create” has been bandied about for the last few years, but it is a term that is widely misunderstood. To co-create you must be willing to come into alignment and combine your own unique ingredients with (1) your life’s purpose; (2) your higher self or higher wisdom and; (3) Universal will.
Connect the Dots
To have your life come together into your own bigger picture, you must connect the dots. Every child looking at a “connect the dot”picture knows this. If you don’t draw the actual lines between 1 and 2 and 3 and so forth, you’re just staring at a bunch of dots on a page. They appear to be random dots on a page that have no real form. It’s when you start connecting them together that you end up with and discover the real picture, the real form. That is the both the challenge and the joy. While you are residing in this physical form, the keys to connecting those “dots” are in your chakras. You are being challenged to connect those energies, let go of anything that blocks the pathway of that connection, and then multi-dimensionally integrate your mind, body, and spirit. It’s not hard. It’s a process. The other choice is to keep staring at dots on a page wondering where the flesh of your life is.
Creating From Your Root
On this planet we cannot yet visualize a flowering plant in our minds and have it poof out into existence. You must begin with dot #1. You must start at the root. If you don’t do that – start at the beginning– you can end up with a scribbled, chaotic mess. Energy here is designed to begin its journey as a seed, an embryo. Then it gets planted – or “implanted” – and gets fed and nourished from the root system. The energy flows up the formed stem of a plant, leaves eventually sprout, then buds, and THEN at the right time the flower develops, and from that ultimately the fruit. To accomplish this and partake of the juicy harvest, you must begin creating from the root, the core, the base of who you are.
What’s Wrong With the Law of Attraction?
Nothing is wrong with the LOA. We need it. But it’s for attracting, not for manifesting or co-creating. It was taught to millions incorrectly as a way to “get what you want.” The truth is that it’s but one dot in your bigger picture. You can put all the mental energy you want on how your picture should look. However, eventually you’re going to have to do what is necessary to sketch it out and then color it in. The Law of Attraction is a universal law that was recently re-introduced (it’s not new) into collective consciousness. But the interesting paradox, if you choose to see it that way, is that it was brought forth backward and distorted, therefore leaving much disillusionment in its wake. We can’t move forward at the same time we are going backward. So we must “unlearn”the way it was recently taught and learn how to implement it. We manifest and co-create from I AM – which is the present moment, the NOW – not from the place of I WANT. To try to manifest from I WANT is to intrinsically create a space of lack and limitation.
What Is In The Way of Creating Your Life From Who You Are?
You are. If you’re not creating your life from who you are, then you and fear are co-creating partners. So examine how well that relationship is going for you. In fact, examine all of your relationships, particularly your relationship with money, because that is a relationship just like any other. And because the energy of money lives in your root chakra, your relationship with money is a primary relationship.
If you’re doing something that you don’t want to be doing, look at where and why you are afraid of being who you really are. Examine where you say things, for example, like: “I’m only working at this job because I need the money, I need the stability, and I need to pay the bills. Someday I will do what I really enjoy doing.” What you’re telling the universe in that scenario is that you do not believe in your ability to create and co-create from who you are. You are telling the universe that you don’t believe in yourself and you don’t believe in it. And the universe will reflect back to you exactly what you send out to it. That is the beauty of the Law of Attraction.
Here Are Three Things You Can Do Now to Start Coming Into Alignment:
1. Eliminate fear. We cannot create anything from fear except more fear.
2. Get out of your linear mind and examine instead who you are at the root.
3. Ask “What is the next single thing for me to do?” This keeps you in the “right now,”which is the space from which all creation begins.

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