Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Give God and Angels Permision!

In my own experience, when I allow God and Angels to work in what I want, only at that moment I started receiving.
For many years I wanted some things, I visualized them, I wanted with all my heart, but my mind couldn't figure out the "how" I will received it; my human mind was close.

One day, when I was meditating Angels send me a clear message that I need to ask them to help me align my mind with my heart; they wanted to help me, they saw how I was suffering, but they can't do anything if I will not give permission to them... I needed to be aligned because my heart desire something, but my mind couldn't notice how I will received it, so my fears was my highest vibration.

I give them permission to work on me, then I accept my Angels to be my friends in heaven and I understood how them will support me, support my job, my mission, my life, my family, etc...

The next step was just relax and wait... I started feeling gratitud for everything in my life and then, when I realesed, when I believe, only then I started watching miracles in my life...

What I learned is that the how is not my problem, the how is their job... They have a big picture of the world that my mind can imagine, so it's not my problem..

I allow you God, I allow you Angels to open the path for me... This affirmation change my life, and now I am here doing my mission in a happy way, JOURNEY ANGELS BORN!

When you allow God to work for you, HE WILL WORK, I can sure you!

Naomi Hale

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