Monday, October 22, 2012

God like a Father!

Having our third baby this week we could connect in a different way with our source... It was an amazing experience that we want to share with all of you:
God is one with us, we are part of him (let's talk about God like a male energy, but He's actually energy) and He is our FATHER! When we, humans, have the AMAZING experience of being parents, we can feel the TRUE LOVE, we can understand what the word LOVE means... Well, the same is God to us, if He is our father, how we can even think that He doesn't hear us? or how we can say that He sends us pain or hard experiences? NO! He is pure love, He is waiting for us to return to his presence and ask BELIEVING IN HIMSELF for help. He is the owner of everything in the world, so we just need to ask and He will understand like we do with our children.
Sometimes we said, why if He is my creator He doesn't hear me? Of course, this is not true. He is always waiting for our presence but, like we all know, we have our free will and He waits for us, He is not in the middle of our path, He respect us and let us choose our journey, our life... After we have many lessons usually we return to him and he is waiting with all his love for us.
We are part of him, NEVER FORGET THAT! We are one with Him and all what we need to do is to return home, understand his love and ask for his help letting him work.
If one of your sons or daughters comes to you asking for help what you will do? You will rush and help him/her; but if they ask for help and continue doing some efforts by themselves, what you will do? You will sit and wait until he/she really needs you. The same is what God does: He waits for us until we recognize that He can do it, that He can help us.

With all our love,
Journey Angels

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