Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Total Eclipse of the Sun of day 13 and November Eclipses Portal: towards the 12-12 - 12, Golden Light Christic on Earth

Each of you know in your heart what information is true or not. Today more than before we need to pay attention and discernment.

Next Tuesday 13th coinciding with the new moon of November at 23: 09 h GMT, occurs the first eclipse (total eclipse of sun) important portal of eclipses that will take place in November 2012 lunation (13th new moon and full moon day 28) and that we will connect directly with the great portal 12-12-12.

Eclipses are always rips that break somehow woven spacetime (the mind) and allow the entry of new energies to Earth. And this very important portal of eclipses of November is the cosmic preparation for the great portal of Golden christic irradiation which will be the 12-12 - 12 (December 12, 2012). In the 12-12 - 12 Earth is impregnated by a large irradiation from christic energy of the central Sun of the Galaxy. Earth is no longer isolated and that energy of the spirit, God-Father-Mother, in perfect balance with the masculine feminine, supporting the energy of unconditional love, unit, floods Earth, definitely breaking the veil of separation that has kept it for millennia as a planet of exile and obscurity.

The 12-12-12 brings an immense elevation of the frequency of the planet, increase of frequency necessary to enter the great Solstice of December 21, symbol of the end of the cycle of darkness, pain and isolation of the Earth.

Nobody knows for sure what is going to happen after December 21, and really "nothing is going to happen", apparently... The world will follow, we are all going to get up in the morning, go to work or any activity of each one, eat, or not eat... we will continue seeing neighbors, streets, trees, mountains... Everything as always. But in appearance. We will really be in another world, another dimension of reality, where each of us will be gradually experience differently according to their State of consciousness, according to their capacity to vibrate in the new frequency of the Earth. For some it will be heaven on Earth, a magical world with some completely different rules to the rigid rules of the space-time of the 3rd dimension to have fastened so far what we call "reality". For others it will be hell. The hell of disease, hell of bewilderment, insecurity and fear hell, hell of chaos... in a world that is not well understood and for which there is mental tools that can deal with this. For those who continue to live in the consciousness of separateness, the consciousness of the self ("I-my-me - mine") the world will be a more insecure and more disconcerting place. For those who vibrate in the energy of the delivery of the unit with what surrounds them, the energy of love... the new frequency on Earth bring them a magical world of action and creative power. It is the christic energy that is available to all those who vibrate on service and the faith in the spirit on us.

Definitely the world will not be destroyed. There is no "Apocalypse" of the end of the world. But what if there is a new world to everyone without exception, regardless of beliefs, level of understanding and consciousness, we will notice. Let's take look back, towards a few a few years ago, we can see a completely different world and that now moves in a high speed spiral of change and renewal.

we can talk that earth will be entering the 4th dimension and the consciousness the 5th dimension, although the words and concepts don have any importance.What importance would have when they are simply symbols to communicate from the limited human mind of this dimension. But it is true that it is another dimension. It is another dimension of reality, another dimension of matter and mind.

All is one in the universe, and this portal of eclipses that opens on Tuesday, November 13 brings the necessary openness in the astral field and energy of the Earth; in this way, the high energy of the masters of light and the high energy of Christ may radiate on the planet and the collective mind.

Welcome this christic energy, that Christ's second coming to Earth, this time not as an individual person who comes to speak and teach others, but as a collective power of awakening in the chakra of the heart of every human being. The second coming of Christ is the spirit of Christ that will be in every human; It is really a process of "christification" in each of us. And this process is the great gift of the universe, God, father and mother. Great gift supported by the entire universe and all the ascended masters that now communicate and are so present in many of us.

We wish you enjoy these impressive times that we are living right now and we hope that you can expand your peace and joy to all those around us, so that in this way, peace and Bliss may increase in the universe.

Traslated from the Spanish website





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