Today, when I was meditating, the word FORGIVENESS! appear in my mind, it was something fascinating to see how the universe guide to you through any subject that you must pay attention during that moment of your life; this is why I have decided to write today about this subject.
The forgiveness is something that anyone who can experience it (and in this case I can give faith of The Peace that a human can feel when have forgiveness in the heart) feels like arrives at the top of a big mountain.
All of us have our own experiences with other human beings and sometimes we felt negative resentments or thoughts; in other occasions we have encounter with people who without knowing we felt for them an immediate rejection towards he/she, we became infected so much of negative feelings that our own life is affected and many areas of us can begin to go back (health, abundance, relations, love, etc).
Making us conscientious of our resentment is the first step towards the forgiveness and to the advance and progress of our own existence.
Feel desire to forgiveness, recognize that each human being have their own beliefs or their own truth, leave of side the pride that the only thing that do is to make bigger the ego and to recognize that the other as much as me were mistaken makes us brave people and help us to obtain Peace in our soul, and our body obtains the harmony in all the areas.
Forgiveness does not mean to go and apologise with the other person, is something that we do inside, independent and it's an internal work. In the other side, if an encounter can occur it could be good, if not, it was not necessary. Also the foriveness could be with person who already leave this planet or with others that are in the distacnce and was part of our past.
Therefore, I invite you to stop reviewing each situation that was unhappy and contribute to lose your inner peace. Focus in your peace and your happiness and remember that each human being act accoordingly with their own truth.
Hoy, cuando estaba meditando resalto por asi llamarlo la palabra PERDON!, me parecio algo fascinante ver como te guian de cualquier manera a un tema que debes tratar durante ese momento de tu vida y es por eso que he decidido escribir acerca de este tema hoy.
El perdon es algo que quien lo experimenta (y en este caso doy fe de la paz que se siente al sentir perdon en tu corazon) siente que llega a la cima mas alta del universo. Todos tenemos nuestras vivencias con otros seres humanos y en algunas ocasiones sentimos resentimientos o pensamientos negativos; en otras ocasiones tenemos encuentros con personas que sin conocerlas sentimos un rechazo inmediato para con el/ella, nos infectamos tanto de sentimientos negativos que nuestra propia vida se ve afectada y muchas areas de nosotros pueden comenzar a ir para atras (salud, abundancia, relaciones, amor, etc).
Hacernos conciente de nuestro resentimiento es el primer paso hacia el perdon y al avance y progreso de nuestra propia existencia.
Sentir el deseo de perdonar, reconocer que cada ser humano tenemos nuestras propias creencias o nuestra propia verdad , dejar de lado el orgullo que lo unico que hace es engrandecer el ego y reconocer que tanto el otro como uno mismo nos equivocamos hace de nosotros personas mas valientes y logra que nuestra alma llegue a la paz, que nuestro cuerpo consiga la armonia en todas las areas.
Perdonar no significa ir y pedir perdon, es un trabajo propio, independiente e interno. Lo demas, un encuentro si ha de darse llegara, sino no era necesario. Tambien puede darse el perdon con seres que ya han partido o con otros que estan en la distancia y que forman parte del pasado.
Asi pues, te invito a que dejes de repasar cada situacion incomoda que te llevo a perder tu paz interior. Enfocate en tu paz y en tu felicidad y recuerda que cada ser obre como obre lo esta haciendo basado en su propia verdad.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Afirmation for Abundance - Afirmacion para la Abundancia
God that lives in me, loved Arcangel Uriel; I invoke your presence at this moment, surround me with your light and grant me with the grace of the material abundance
. I understand that you are under my service and I represent you now and always in planet Earth, I know that you obey my orders and today my mandate and my total gratefulness are by the wealth
and opulence that lives in me, in my life and my hands for my immediate use and the use of my family.
I give thanks to my I AM by always guarding my existence, to allow me to enjoy all the material wealth that exists in this planet now and always!
Dios que habitas en mi, amado Arcangel Uriel; invoco su presencia en este instante, rodeenmen con su luz y concedamen ahora mismo la gracia de la abundancia
Doy gracias a mi YO SOY por siempre velar por mi existencia, por permitirme disfrutar de toda la riqueza material que existe en este planeta ahora y siempre!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
My Daughters Birth - El Nacimiento de Mi Hija
I want to share with you the most PRETTY experience that I had in my life. It took place in my daughter's birth at the delivery moment; her name: LUNA!
My wonderful husband and I were waiting for the doctor; I wanted him to be the only one to bring my daughter to this world, I didn't want any other different that was not connected with me and my daughter like him, because he was with us during all my pregnancy. I began feeling contractions, my husband was with me in the room waiting for the happy moment when she decided to come and be with us and her loving brother Daniel! I was feeling pain, I didn't have the epidural, the nurse said that our doctor was not there; I asked my daughter to wait for him; suddenly the doctor entered the room and my face turned into a big smile; I asked for the epidural and he said I was ready for delivery, so we were going to do it without any medication; I started to push and MIRACULOUSLY I was in another state of mind (something that I cannot describe with words); suddenly I got disconnected from that room and I started to hear the MOST PRETTY MUSIC that my ears can hear; I saw lots of brilliant white shadows that looked like Angels; I saw long trumpets and I felt that our room was full, I could feel HAPPINESS and PEACE, I was in another place for a moment, then I went to the room and I asked my husband who was besides me helping me in the delivery. "Where did you play that pretty music?" and he said "Which music?" "The one that I am hearing", I said, then I understood that he had no idea of what I was talking about, so I turned my head all around the room to see where the CD player was and I couldn't find anything. In that moment I completely knew that it was nothing from this "world", that Angels came to deliver to me our daughter. Then, when we went moved to another room, a pretty dove came to our window, looked inside and then flew away; the nurse who was there at the same time and saw how the dove watched us told me that this pretty bird came to announce me something and that this bird represented the Holly Spirit!
I always remember this moment, it's the most PRETTY experience that I've had and I know that this words cannot describe how wonderful this episode was!
My wonderful husband and I were waiting for the doctor; I wanted him to be the only one to bring my daughter to this world, I didn't want any other different that was not connected with me and my daughter like him, because he was with us during all my pregnancy. I began feeling contractions, my husband was with me in the room waiting for the happy moment when she decided to come and be with us and her loving brother Daniel! I was feeling pain, I didn't have the epidural, the nurse said that our doctor was not there; I asked my daughter to wait for him; suddenly the doctor entered the room and my face turned into a big smile; I asked for the epidural and he said I was ready for delivery, so we were going to do it without any medication; I started to push and MIRACULOUSLY I was in another state of mind (something that I cannot describe with words); suddenly I got disconnected from that room and I started to hear the MOST PRETTY MUSIC that my ears can hear; I saw lots of brilliant white shadows that looked like Angels; I saw long trumpets and I felt that our room was full, I could feel HAPPINESS and PEACE, I was in another place for a moment, then I went to the room and I asked my husband who was besides me helping me in the delivery. "Where did you play that pretty music?" and he said "Which music?" "The one that I am hearing", I said, then I understood that he had no idea of what I was talking about, so I turned my head all around the room to see where the CD player was and I couldn't find anything. In that moment I completely knew that it was nothing from this "world", that Angels came to deliver to me our daughter. Then, when we went moved to another room, a pretty dove came to our window, looked inside and then flew away; the nurse who was there at the same time and saw how the dove watched us told me that this pretty bird came to announce me something and that this bird represented the Holly Spirit!
I always remember this moment, it's the most PRETTY experience that I've had and I know that this words cannot describe how wonderful this episode was!
Quiero compartir con ustedes la experiencia MÁS BONITA que he tenido en mi vida. Ocurrió durante el nacimiento de mi hermosa hija, justo en el momento donde estaba dando a luz; su nombre: ¡LUNA!
Mi maravilloso esposo y yo esperábamos al doctor; Solamente queria que él fuese el único que me atendiera para ayudar a traer a mi hija a este mundo, no queria que cualquier otro medico me atendiese porque sentia que el era quien estaba conectado conmigo y mi hija ya que fue él quien nos atendio durante todo el embarazo. ¡Comencé a sentir contracciones, mi esposo estaba conmigo en el cuarto aguardando el feliz momento para cuando ella decidiera venir a estar con nosotros y a su precioso hermano Daniel!
Sentia dolor, no tenia la epidural, la enfermera nos informo que nuestro doctor no estaba allí; Le pedí a mi hija que lo esperara; al cabo de un rato el doctor entró repentinamente a el cuarto y mi cara se ilumino con una gran sonrisa; Le pregunte al doctor por la epidural y él dijo que estaba lista para el trabajo de parto, así que lo hicimos sin ninguna medicina; Comencé a pujar y de repente MILAGROSAMENTE me encontraba en otro estado, desconectada de el lugar donde me allaba en ese instante (algo que no puedo describir con palabras); comencé a escuchar la MÚSICA MÁS HERMOSA que mis oídos pueden haber escuchado; Vi millones de sombras blancas brillantes que formaban las figuras de ángeles; Vi largas y lindas trompetas, me encontraba en un sitio lleno de PAZ Y SERENIDAD sentia una FELICIDAD que me invadia, estaba en otro lugar por un momento. Después mi mente regreso al cuarto y pregunté a mi esposo que estaba junto a mí ayudandome en el trabajo de parto: " ¿Dónde pusiste esa hermosa música? " y él dijo: " ¿Qué música? " " La que esta sonando" , dije. Después entendí que él no tenía ninguna idea de lo que hablaba, así que di vuelta a mi cabeza mirando todo alrededor del cuarto para ubicar donde estaba el lector de CD pero no pude encontrar nada. En ese momento sabía totalmente que no era nada de este " mundo" , entendi que los ángeles vinieron a entregarme a nuestra preciosa hija.
De alli fuimos trasladados a otra habitacion y fue entonces al entrar en ella que una paloma vino a nuestra ventana; nos miro como si estuviese diciendonos algo con su mirada y después se fue volando; la enfermera que estaba allí al mismo tiempo y vio cómo la paloma nos observo me dijo que este hermoso pájaro vino a anunciarnos algo y que la paloma representa el Espiritu Santo!
Recuerdo siempre este momento; es la experiencia MÁS BONITA que he tenído y sé que éste escrito no alcanza a describir algo tan maravilloso como fue este episodio!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Something to Think About it - Algo Para Reflexionar
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
Edith Wharton (1862-1937)
"Existen dos maneras de brillar: ser la vela o el espejo que refleja la luz."
Edith Wharton (1862-1937)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Life - Vida
Sometimes we ask why our life is like it is. Well Discovering this spiritual path I could learn that we are the Michelangelo of our own story, we are the masterpiece of our life. If you take a look to your past, you can discover that what you were afraid or what you wanted with all your heart you received it, so remember: You are the creator of your life!
En muchas ocasiones nos preguntamos el porque nuestra vida es como es. Bien, al descubrir este maravilloso camino espiritual pude entender que nosotros somos los creadores de nuestra propia historia. Detengase a mirar su pasado y dese cuenta de como todo lo que usted temia y todo lo que deseaba con todo su corazon llego a su vida; recuerde siempre: Usted es el creador de su Vida!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Blue Bird Legend - Leyenda del Pajaro Azul
Today, a friend of mine painted a Blue Bird
and she gave me the paint to be used in my profile, she told me about the legend of this and the meaning of the blue bird: HAPPINESS, I have never hear this before but I was really happy to have this pretty paint to be used in my profile. I came to home and I did my research about this and look what I found:
"Blue Bird
It is a widely accepted symbol of cheerfulness, happiness, prosperity, hearth and home, good health, new births, the renewal of springtime, etc. Virtually any positive sentiments may be attached to the bluebird" (1)
What an amazing gift to be use it like symbol in this path through the spirituality, Good Start!
Hoy una persona amiga me regalo una hermosa pintura de el Pajaro Azul para ser usado como foto en mi perfil, ella me explico hacerca de la legenda que traia consigo este hermoso pajaro la cual yo nunca antes habia escuchado, ella me explico que el significado de esta ave era: FELICIDAD!
AL llegar a casa hice mis averiguaciones a cerca de esta leyenda y miren lo que encontre:
El Pajaro Azul es simbolo de felicidad, prosperidad, salud, amor, nacimiento, renovacion, etc. Cualquier sentimiento positivo esta atado al maravilloso Pajaro Azul.
Lindo regalo para usar como simbolo en este camino hacia la realizacion espiritual. Buen Augurio!
"Blue Bird
What an amazing gift to be use it like symbol in this path through the spirituality, Good Start!
By Kalinka Volshaninova
Hoy una persona amiga me regalo una hermosa pintura de el Pajaro Azul para ser usado como foto en mi perfil, ella me explico hacerca de la legenda que traia consigo este hermoso pajaro la cual yo nunca antes habia escuchado, ella me explico que el significado de esta ave era: FELICIDAD!
AL llegar a casa hice mis averiguaciones a cerca de esta leyenda y miren lo que encontre:
El Pajaro Azul es simbolo de felicidad, prosperidad, salud, amor, nacimiento, renovacion, etc. Cualquier sentimiento positivo esta atado al maravilloso Pajaro Azul.
Lindo regalo para usar como simbolo en este camino hacia la realizacion espiritual. Buen Augurio!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Food For the Spirit - Alimento Para el Espiritu
As well as our body needs daily food, also our spirit needs food in order to not be debilitated: read, meditate, exercise, visit the nature, yoga, etc. All this contributes to grow spiritually and to find the light and peace.
Asi como nuestro cuerpo necesita alimento diario, igualmente nuestro espiritu necesita alimentos para no debilitarse: leer, meditar, ejercitarse, visitar la naturaleza, yoga, estar al aire libre, etc. Todo ello contribuye a crecer espiritualmente y encontrar la luz y la paz.
Asi como nuestro cuerpo necesita alimento diario, igualmente nuestro espiritu necesita alimentos para no debilitarse: leer, meditar, ejercitarse, visitar la naturaleza, yoga, estar al aire libre, etc. Todo ello contribuye a crecer espiritualmente y encontrar la luz y la paz.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Today - Hoy!
Today is your big day! Always live in the present, the past is past and the future is just an illusion. If you choose to live in the present, you will be living in a faith way. Do not rush, time is just an illusion and love is the true, so love everyday and everything would be fine.
Hoy es su GRAN DIA! Trate simplemente de vivir en el presente, el pasado y el futuro son una ilusion. SI usted escoge vivir solamente en el presente, siempre estara en el camino de la Fe. No corra, el tiempo es simplemente una ilusion. El amor es lo unico real!
Friday, January 7, 2011
The Power Inside You - El Poder Dentro de Ti
How pretty is to know and understand the truth! Knowing that I, myself, have the power
to manage my life, grants me the answer of the why of many things. Everything is woven like as a spider tiles its loom or as a circuit transports energy to many others.
That we all are energy maybe I already know it, but it took me some time to understand and accept it.
I connect myself simply with whom or what vibrates in my same syntony. All my world is the reflection of my thoughts, this is something that I was reading and listening during several years, but only today when I just make me concicious of this, when I inside this concept deep on my subconscientious is when I can see a real change in me and therefore reflected it in my surroundings.
Therefore, today I invite you to interiorises, repeat, be aware of all your thoughts
and feelings conscious, of everything what you speak and share with others and do not surprise if you begin to see great magical and wonderful changes in your life, do not astonished if your present friends will no longer be, but instead you will perceive that new people with new ideals and high thoughts
will surround you.
Do not astonished if all monetary
conflicts little by little are disappearing to give permission to the wealth
, and if any unhealth issue decides to leave your organism to allow enter the infinite health.
Therefore, today I invite you to accept that infinite power that lives inside you and in each of all the beings who habited in this planet. Open your arms to your new life, your perfection and every dream that you have had. Today you have in your hands the key to make it reality.
Que lindo es entender y comprender la verdad. El saber que yo misma tengo el poder
de mi vida me otorga la respuesta a el porque de muchas cosas, todo va tejiendose y entrelasandose como una arana teje su telar o como un circuito transporta la energia a muchos otros.
Que somos energia quizas ya lo sabia pero tarde en entenderlo y aceptarlo. Me conecto simplemente con aquel o aquello que vibra en mi misma sintonia.
Todo mi mundo es el reflejo de mis pensamientos
Asi pues hoy te invito a que te interiorises, te repitas y te hagas consciente de todos y cada uno de tus pensamientos
No te asombres si todos tus conflictos monetarios
Asi pues, hoy te invito a que aceptes ese poder infinito que habita en ti y en cada uno de todos los seres que habitamos en este planeta y le des paso a tu nueva vida, a tu perfeccion y a todo sueno que hayas tenido y que hoy tienes en tus manos la clave para hacerlo realidad.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What comes to you - Lo que Viene a Usted
You can obtain from life wherever you wish if first you give to life what you wish. If what you look for is harmony, offers harmony; if you wish health, feel healthy; if you wish money or abundance, give ideas or services where the other gains so much as your. Give exactly what you want to receive, if your life is surrounded by egoism, bitterness or lack of affection that is exactly what will return to your life accordingly with the universal law
, with the vibration that you are emitting.
Podras conseguir de la vida lo que deseas si primero le das a la vida aquello que deseas. Si lo que buscas es armonia, brinda armonia; si deseas salud, sientete saludable; si deseas abundancia material, entrega ideas o servicios donde el otro gane tanto como tu.
Entrega exactamente aquello que esperas recibir, si tu vida esta rodeada de egoismo, amargura o desamor eso es exactamente lo que vendra de regreso a tu vida de acuerdo la la ley universal, a la vibracion que estas emitiendo.
Podras conseguir de la vida lo que deseas si primero le das a la vida aquello que deseas. Si lo que buscas es armonia, brinda armonia; si deseas salud, sientete saludable; si deseas abundancia material, entrega ideas o servicios donde el otro gane tanto como tu.
Entrega exactamente aquello que esperas recibir, si tu vida esta rodeada de egoismo, amargura o desamor eso es exactamente lo que vendra de regreso a tu vida de acuerdo la la ley universal, a la vibracion que estas emitiendo.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Meditate - Meditacion
Sometimes when we feel lost or confused we tried to find help in the outside: people, methods or things that we thought can be our guide. Today I invite you to try to find that answer between you, how? simple, you only need to find a place where you can stay calm and relax, leaves your thoughts goes and comes, do not stop them, do not analyze them, just focus your attention on your breath, invokes your I AM
, watches as your flame of white light descends from your crown to the center of you heart and becomes a beautiful Llama Trina of pink color, gold & blue. Meditate in those pretty colors and wait for answers.
A veces cuando nos encontramos perdidos o confundidos tratamos de buscar ayuda en lo exterior, en personas, metodos o cosas que pensamos pueden ser nuestra guia. Hoy te invito a que encuentres esa respuesta que tanto anhelas dentro de ti mismo, como hacerlo? simple, solamente busca un sitio tranquilo y relajate, deja que tus pensamientos vayan y vengan, no los detengas, no los analices; centra tu atencion en tu respiracion, invoca tu YO SOY
Monday, January 3, 2011
About Money
Today I received in my personal email a message from Rhonda Byrne the autor of The Secret (Extended Edition)
about money that I want to share with you:
"It is when you no longer feel the need for money that money will come. The feeling of needing money comes from the thought that you don't have enough, and so you continue to create not having enough money.
You are always creating, and when it comes to money, you are either creating the lack of it or the abundance of it."
Hoy recibi en mi cuenta personal de correo electronico este mensaje de la autora de el libro El Secreto (The Secret) (Spanish Edition)
acerca de el dinero que quiero compartir con ustedes:
"Es cuando usted no siente más la necesidad del dinero que el dinero vendrá. La sensación de necesitar el dinero viene del pensamiento de que usted no tiene bastante, y así es como usted continúa creando no tener bastante. Usted está creando siempre, y cuando al dinero se refiere, usted es quien crea la carencia o la abundancia."
"It is when you no longer feel the need for money that money will come. The feeling of needing money comes from the thought that you don't have enough, and so you continue to create not having enough money.
You are always creating, and when it comes to money, you are either creating the lack of it or the abundance of it."
Hoy recibi en mi cuenta personal de correo electronico este mensaje de la autora de el libro El Secreto (The Secret) (Spanish Edition)
"Es cuando usted no siente más la necesidad del dinero que el dinero vendrá. La sensación de necesitar el dinero viene del pensamiento de que usted no tiene bastante, y así es como usted continúa creando no tener bastante. Usted está creando siempre, y cuando al dinero se refiere, usted es quien crea la carencia o la abundancia."
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Doreen Virtue New Years Gift!
Look what an amazing gift that Doreen Virtue posted in her facebook:
"My "Angel Therapy for Financial Support and Abundance" podcast is now instantly downloadable for free, as my gift toward your wonderful New Year! (Note: It says $1 on it, but when you click it into the shopping cart, it will show the price as 0.) Please visit the link above or to download and listen."
A todos aquellos seguidores de Doreen Virtue, chequeen el regalo de ano nuevo que puso ella en su facebook. Pueden descargar completamente gratis un mp3 acerca de la abundancia y soporte financiero:
"My "Angel Therapy for Financial Support and Abundance" podcast is now instantly downloadable for free, as my gift toward your wonderful New Year! (Note: It says $1 on it, but when you click it into the shopping cart, it will show the price as 0.) Please visit the link above or to download and listen."
"My "Angel Therapy for Financial Support and Abundance" podcast is now instantly downloadable for free, as my gift toward your wonderful New Year! (Note: It says $1 on it, but when you click it into the shopping cart, it will show the price as 0.) Please visit the link above or to download and listen."
A todos aquellos seguidores de Doreen Virtue, chequeen el regalo de ano nuevo que puso ella en su facebook. Pueden descargar completamente gratis un mp3 acerca de la abundancia y soporte financiero:
"My "Angel Therapy for Financial Support and Abundance" podcast is now instantly downloadable for free, as my gift toward your wonderful New Year! (Note: It says $1 on it, but when you click it into the shopping cart, it will show the price as 0.) Please visit the link above or to download and listen."
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