Sometimes when we feel lost or confused we tried to find help in the outside: people, methods or things that we thought can be our guide. Today I invite you to try to find that answer between you, how? simple, you only need to find a place where you can stay calm and relax, leaves your thoughts goes and comes, do not stop them, do not analyze them, just focus your attention on your breath, invokes your I AM
, watches as your flame of white light descends from your crown to the center of you heart and becomes a beautiful Llama Trina of pink color, gold & blue. Meditate in those pretty colors and wait for answers.
A veces cuando nos encontramos perdidos o confundidos tratamos de buscar ayuda en lo exterior, en personas, metodos o cosas que pensamos pueden ser nuestra guia. Hoy te invito a que encuentres esa respuesta que tanto anhelas dentro de ti mismo, como hacerlo? simple, solamente busca un sitio tranquilo y relajate, deja que tus pensamientos vayan y vengan, no los detengas, no los analices; centra tu atencion en tu respiracion, invoca tu YO SOY
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