You can obtain from life wherever you wish if first you give to life what you wish. If what you look for is harmony, offers harmony; if you wish health, feel healthy; if you wish money or abundance, give ideas or services where the other gains so much as your. Give exactly what you want to receive, if your life is surrounded by egoism, bitterness or lack of affection that is exactly what will return to your life accordingly with the universal law
, with the vibration that you are emitting.
Podras conseguir de la vida lo que deseas si primero le das a la vida aquello que deseas. Si lo que buscas es armonia, brinda armonia; si deseas salud, sientete saludable; si deseas abundancia material, entrega ideas o servicios donde el otro gane tanto como tu.
Entrega exactamente aquello que esperas recibir, si tu vida esta rodeada de egoismo, amargura o desamor eso es exactamente lo que vendra de regreso a tu vida de acuerdo la la ley universal, a la vibracion que estas emitiendo.
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