How pretty is to know and understand the truth! Knowing that I, myself, have the power
to manage my life, grants me the answer of the why of many things. Everything is woven like as a spider tiles its loom or as a circuit transports energy to many others.
That we all are energy maybe I already know it, but it took me some time to understand and accept it.
I connect myself simply with whom or what vibrates in my same syntony. All my world is the reflection of my thoughts, this is something that I was reading and listening during several years, but only today when I just make me concicious of this, when I inside this concept deep on my subconscientious is when I can see a real change in me and therefore reflected it in my surroundings.
Therefore, today I invite you to interiorises, repeat, be aware of all your thoughts
and feelings conscious, of everything what you speak and share with others and do not surprise if you begin to see great magical and wonderful changes in your life, do not astonished if your present friends will no longer be, but instead you will perceive that new people with new ideals and high thoughts
will surround you.
Do not astonished if all monetary
conflicts little by little are disappearing to give permission to the wealth
, and if any unhealth issue decides to leave your organism to allow enter the infinite health.
Therefore, today I invite you to accept that infinite power that lives inside you and in each of all the beings who habited in this planet. Open your arms to your new life, your perfection and every dream that you have had. Today you have in your hands the key to make it reality.
Que lindo es entender y comprender la verdad. El saber que yo misma tengo el poder
de mi vida me otorga la respuesta a el porque de muchas cosas, todo va tejiendose y entrelasandose como una arana teje su telar o como un circuito transporta la energia a muchos otros.
Que somos energia quizas ya lo sabia pero tarde en entenderlo y aceptarlo. Me conecto simplemente con aquel o aquello que vibra en mi misma sintonia.
Todo mi mundo es el reflejo de mis pensamientos
Asi pues hoy te invito a que te interiorises, te repitas y te hagas consciente de todos y cada uno de tus pensamientos
No te asombres si todos tus conflictos monetarios
Asi pues, hoy te invito a que aceptes ese poder infinito que habita en ti y en cada uno de todos los seres que habitamos en este planeta y le des paso a tu nueva vida, a tu perfeccion y a todo sueno que hayas tenido y que hoy tienes en tus manos la clave para hacerlo realidad.
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